Archive for the ‘Green Issues’ Category

15 Feb 2013

February 15, 2013


Good morning!

I think it is sad when others judge people harshly not based on fact and ever talking to that person one on one to hear their thoughts and side of the story.  I know what it is like first hand to be harshly judged without being able to answer the questions directly and looking that person in the eyes as I talk to them.  Refuse to do that to another human being.  That is why I tend to defend people that others judge so harshly not based on truth but their judgment based on gossip and lies…

No sane person wants to be arrested.. Yet, because they believe strongly in their Cause, and believe that the only way to get their message out to the people is through ” getting arrested” they are willing to do that.. Some would consider them a hero and be proud of them for having the courage and honor to stand up for what they believe they must do for the great good.  Others can’t wait to throw a stone at this person and justifying their hate by spewing their posion words of condemnation… 

While I am proud of both father and son, and realize the son is 18 years old and is becoming a warrior for the enviroment and it was HIS CHOICE TO BE THERE AND PART OF THIS ACT OF PROTEST; others are saying the FATHER forced the SON to come and be arrested..  How can they justify their gossip and lies?

As a parent don’t you want to raise your children so that when they become 18 that they start being and thinking more independent of you?  This young man made his own decision because he believed strongly enough in this.  What right does anyone have to judge this young man or his father?

Enough of the rant, I just get pissed when others use poison words to discredit and make others think badly of people, who have none nothing deserving of the harsh judgment they receive from outsiders who have no real clue of the truth regarding the person they have condemned..  Never will I treat anyone else the way I have been treated in this life.  Never will I judge people until I have a chance to talk to them one on one and can look into their eyes as we talk.  To some people that makes me a FOOL.  I WOULD RATHER BE A FOOL AND BE FAIR MINDED TOWARD ALL PEOPLE, THEN TO BE A PERSON WHO JUDGES PEOPLE BASED ON GOSSIP AND LIES.  WHO REFUSES TO GIVE THE PERSON A CHANCE TO SPEAK TO YOU BEFORE MAKING A FINAL DECISION ABOUT THEM.

I don’t care if that person is a Progressive and you are a Conservative, treat them fair and honest.  I don’t care if you are a Progressive and the other person is a Conservative, don’t judge until you talk to them one on one before making a final judgment about that person.  I don’t care if one is a Democrat and the other Republican have the courage to face them and ask them yourself what the questions are that you have and not just gossip and lie about them and continue to play the game ‘ telephone’ about that person.  Yes, people might think you are a ” fool” too, but wouldn’t you rather be a fool for being fair and honorable in your dealings with others, then jumping on the hate and attack band wagon about people you don’t know the inside and true story about; and finding out years later you were wrong about that person and how you treated that person?

The people that were arrested on the 13 Feb 2013 did what they did for LOVE..  

They didn’t do what they did, as I have read some comments, just because they wanted to get or keep their name in the press, like they are some media whore.  If you really believe that LIE, then chances are you are never going to be willing to see the truth about this person and you will continue to find any excuse to bad mouth this person and spew your hate.

Is it so hard to understand that someone could fight for environmental issues because of LOVE?

You White Nationalists say you fight for White Nationalism because of LOVE.  I have heard David Duke say he fights to save the WHITE RACE BECAUSE OF LOVE.  So why is it so hard to understand how someone could fight against the building a pipe line because of their love for the environment and valid fears of environmental disaster occuring?

It doesn’t matter what Political View or Party one belongs to, we all have one thing in common as human beings and that is love for children and wanting them to have a good future. The people who were arrested for protesting this pipe line, love their children and feel that for their future that they have to fight and even be arrested if they must, so that hopefully wise decisions will be made, that will be more environmentally friendly…

You say you love your children and you are fighting for the future of White Children, yet, if you are living in an world that is a hell hole because of Climate Change and the polution, but is all White, have you really given them a good future?

I know I am not explaining this very well. I just get so tired of the HATE spewed by the Right Wing….

No, I am not a Progressive. So before I am attacked as a Liberal/Progressive, know that I am a Conservative. I am not a Republican anymore, but no party perference. I believe I am more like a British Conservative then an American Conservative.

It was good to talk to my friend in Kansas. I am seriously thinking of going back to Kansas instead of Hawaii. It is so expensive in Hawaii and I just don’t ever seeing myself being able to buy a little cottage in the country like I can in Kansas and having a little income to live on. I have a chance to go to Texas and have a friend I can be roomates with in San Antono, but that too is a big city and I really like Kansas. Of course I love New England, but that too is really expensive… Kansas still is pretty inexpensive to live.

13 Feb 2013

February 13, 2013


Good morning.  Hope everyone has a great day.

Last night as I was walking Benji, we ran into Lucky, one of Benji’s good doggie friends, so we walked together.  We met a new dog that was very nice.  We the owners started talking the the lady was from CT.  Both Glen and I lived in MA.  He in Amherst and I in Scituate/Marshfield.

I know the people from MN have a club just for people from MN.  If we were to start a club just for people who lived in New England, we would have three members right there. I know another man in the villas is also from the Boston area.  We could go out to eat once a month..  I am not staying here, so I am not the one to start it..

Why should MN and MI be the ones with the clubs just for people who live or lived in those states.  New England should be represented too, don’t you think?

I miss New England so much.  Must take a trip back there and visit the family graves in Lynn, plus go to Marshfield and face my ghosts and move pass the pain and hurt that I endured while living there. 

My heart has always been in New England and I fear it always will be.  I need to go home and spend some time there and let go of the past memories that I need to let go of so I can move on.  That is part of the healing process.  The same way, going to talk to my half brother in FL is part of the healing process.

They say that one shouldn’t make any big moves the first 6 months after someone dies.. I agree with that.  As you are still in shock and adjusting…  My heart says to stay in AZ for now and finish up with the therapy program I am in.  Who is to say that in Hawaii, I will have the same chemistry as I do with the people here who understand me and for the first time am being helped…  Don’t want to rock the boat.

I need to find out what is best for me and then do it…. Right now, I think it is staying and working the program I am working for the PTSD.  I am starting the enpowerment group in a couple of weeks.  Was going to start today, but I have to miss next week, so will start it then, as it is important I don’t miss.

This weekend they are having a very important event in Washington DC regarding Climate change.  I know my White Nationalist and many Conservatives do not believe it is real, but just a ploy by the Prgressives to put agenda 21 into play.

I believe Climate change is real.  Don’t know all the causes, because after all I am not a science wiz and can pin point the exact cause.  I think a part of the cause is natural.. Do we man have a role in the change? Maybe a small role, because we aren’t living in such a way as to respect nature more.  We have the mindset as humans that the oceans are big so it doesn’t matter what we put into them.. Yet, as we know, it does matter…

The date on this site is 17 Feb, but I have another site that says today 13 Feb.  Maybe it is from now until Sunday….

I admire and respect people who lead by example.  We have to many people who just lead by words and only talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.  Having the courage and honor to stand up and do what one must do is very rare in today’s world. 

White Nationalists used to make fun of me when I would post about Environmental things and climate change and fighting to save the polar bears.  I got critized for not posting White Nationalist topics like how evil the Jews are, lol.

Though to me Climate Change is a real threat and how the evil Jews are trying to destroy the WHITE RACE is not REALITY but LIVING IN LA LA LAND.

White Nationalists are starting to wake up to the environment and are seeing it is in their best interest to fight for a clean environment and other cleaner ways to produce the energy needed to live in the 21st century. 

I am glad to see they are starting to look at things from this perspective because I think the only way that we will make a lasting change is for every human being on the planet being aware of the facts and start the process of switching from oil and coal to sun, wind, and other forms of substainable energy sources.

It doesn’t excuse White Nationalists and their political views and I feel I must continue to try and talk to my old friend about them and see what he thinks is the best way for me to proceed in shining the light of truth on their darkness of lies.

I have always believed in leading by example and always will try and lead women and children by my example.  I am a woman, and we women don’t lead men.  I lead women and children.

That is why I started my blog journal to help women and children see the truth about White Nationalism and finally leave.  To be willing to tell what they know so that WN will not be allowed to turn their vision into a Political reality.  To get the help for the PTSD if they were abused like I and many other women and children are.

I believe we can have more then one duty and moral imperative we have to stand up and do in this life time.

For me fighting White Nationalism and Child sexual abuse is just as important as fighting against Climate Change and seeking to educate Americans to the truth that Climate Change is real…

I applaud everyone who is able to go this weekend and be part of this important event.

Start the day with some Stones.

Let us not be afraid to stand up and fight for what we know in our hearts is the right thing.


Great Article

January 12, 2013

One of the gravest misconceptions of the modern age, and one which has concerned
me for more years than I care to remember, is the presumption that Nature can be
taken for granted and her needs ignored. There are some who seem to think that
only when times are good should we afford the cost of nurturing the natural
environment. There are plenty more, I am afraid, who see the process of
protecting natural systems as the sort of cost that should be avoided
altogether, simply because it actively interferes with development, job creation
and economic growth.


To read the rest of the article you  must click on the link.

I admire and respect HRH Prince Charles for his work in organic farming and the enviroment.  He is one of my heroes of the Baby Boomer generation.


Wonderful Article

January 6, 2013


Excellent Article. Hope you enjoy reading it.

HRH Prince Charles is one of my heroes of us baby boomers. He does so much good work and is very educated on the issues.

27 Nov 2012

November 27, 2012

Good morning!!  Hope everyone has a great Tuesday.  Lost two pounds so far so hopefully every week I can loose a little more.  Giving myself one year to get back to where I want to be.  That includes holidays and birthday eating…  Have to be realistic in time frame.

I know it seems that progress is slow, but I am making progress.  Real change can be very slow.  Slow change is the lasting change.

PTSD Group and the coping skills class has been good for me.  At least I don’t just sit in my room and eat as the way to deal with my mother.  I actually went to the movie even having to deal with her craziness.  I am watching my cal. and trying to eat like a normal person….  With an eating disorder one still has to eat.  It is learning to control that eating and when one feels like binge eating to find other ways to deal with your emotions.

Some addicted to booze can never drink again..  Yet, one has to eat in order to stay alive.

Hope that I can start riding horses again as I love to ride and that is good exercise for me.  I don’t mean just walking on a  rented horse, but actualy riding the horse and even doing a little jumping.  Dressage looks interesting.  When I rode before I rode Hunter/Jumper.  At my age Dressage might be the way to go.  The horse and rider or so graceful together and look like one unit.

Jingle Bell Rock- Kenny G

I like Kenny G so we will have a little jazz Christmas music.

Silver Bells

When I was living in KS and watching the kids, at Christmas we would like to go and see the Christmas lights and we would listen to Christmas music.  Kenny G was one of the people we listen to…  They are all grown up now, but one of the girls is my facebook friend.  This was something we did every Christmas and really enjoyed.. Afterward we would come home and have hot choclate and goodies.  It was one of our traditons we did every Christmas.

Silent Night

Hope this gets you into the spirit of Christmas.  I love this time of year and always have and will.

Back to the Political Science Project I am working on for my own educational purposes.

Since the Republcian Party Platform has Agenda 21 in it as a threat to the United States, I am going to research what Agenda 21 is.  How can I be for or against something, if I don’t know what that something is?

Part of the problem we have in this world today is that people have not taken the time to educate themselves, and so we vote not based on knowledge but based on feeling.. How many of us really research the issues?  How many just go with the flow of what the majority of the people are doing?

“Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regards to sustainable development. It is a product of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is an action agenda for the UN, other multilateral organizations, and individual governments around the world that can be executed at local, national, and global levels. The “21” in Agenda 21 refers to the 21st century. It has been affirmed and modified at subsequent UN conferences.”

I know Glenn Beck has a new book about Agenda 21, which I might try and get.  His is based like a novel, but has fact in it.  People might ask why would I read anything of Glenn Beck?  Answer:  Because I like to read and hear both sides of the discussion before making up my mind.  The same reason I listen to Ring of Fire, the Progressive talk radio show on Saturday’s.

I don’t agree with Ring of Fire on every single topic they talk about and I don’t agree with Glenn Beck on every single topic he writes and talks about.  Real education is being challenged by the other side so that you either become stronger in your belief, after having to defend it, or you see you were wrong and the other person was right and you drop the belief you started with.  One is educated when one is taught HOW TO THINK and NOT WHAT TO THINK, which is what we are seeing today in schools.

I am old school and know HOW TO THINK, so I can come to my own conclusions.  New School is teaching you WHAT TO THINK, so that the student only REPEATS and doesn’t know how to think…

What is Agenda 21?  If you do not know about it, you should.

Agenda 21 is a two-decade old, grand plan for global ’Sustainable Development,’ brought to you from the United Nations. George H.W. Bush (and 177 other world leaders) agreed to it back in 1992, and in 1995, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order #12858, creating a Presidential Council on ‘Sustainable Development.’ This effectively pushed the UN plan into America’s large, churning government machine without the need for any review or discussion by Congress or the American people.

‘Sustainable Development’ sounds like a nice idea, right?  It sounds nice, until you scratch the surface and find that Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development are really cloaked plans to impose the tenets of Social Justice/Socialism on the world.

At risk from Agenda 21;

  • Private Property ownership
  • Single-Family homes
  • Private car ownership and individual travel choices
  • Privately owned farms

The Agenda 21 plan openly targets private property.”

To read the rest of the article you must go to the Blaze.. This article is from 2011..

Will continue to look into this.  If anyone knows about Agenda 21 please post and share your knowledge.

Back to the platform itself:

From the Conservative UK platform:

We will protect the environment for future generations, make our economy more environmentally sustainable, and improve our quality of life and well-being. There is no contradiction between going green and supporting the economy – we can and will do both.”

I would put that in the II topic of my platform under the Environment section.

While the Republican platform talks about Agenda 21 and coal being the future, true Conservatives, talk about the future and ways we can pass on thriving country that has both a clean and healthy environment and a good economy that is renewable.

How can anyone in their right mind say that the Conservative Party UK is like the Republican Party?  No more will I believe the LIE that they are two peas in a pod…

True Conservatives in the States must join me in leaving the Republican Party and starting a true Conservative Party in the USA that is based on many of the same principles of the Conservative Party of the UK.  Always have been a proud Tory….

There is not a Party the represents us in the States.  We are not Democrats.. We are not Liberal/Progressives, but Conservatives…

What is more productive?  Signing some petition to leave the United States or joining with other true Conservatives and forming a true Conservative Party like Progressive/Liberals have done in forming the Green Party?  I believe the answer is to start a third Party that reflects our Conservative/Tory values and work together with the Green Party on issues we agree on  like Election Campaign Reform and opening up the process for third Parties in this nation and working on environmental issues.. I am sure as time goes on, we would find other issues we agree on and that it is in the best interest to fight together on those issues to gain more strength…

I am going to get the Victorian Christmas Villiage set up today….

Please feel free to comment and add to the discusion.

Will end with another Christmas song.

Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas- Kenny G

Love this song.







We had a good group this morning.

October 22, 2012

Love this picture.  Getting us in  the mood for Halloween/Samhain.

Made it to group, though there were only two of us.  It was very productive….  We did a personality test and talked about our role in the family…  Next week we are going to do a vision board, so I will think about my future goals.

They were really happy that I had finally been able to let go of my old toxic friendship from Marshfield, that was holding me back… I do feel better and am happy that I can embrace for the new to come into my life… I am free of that chain…

It is like having a bookcase full of old books that you have read already and you have to clear the old books away so you can bring in new books that you haven’t read yet.   So you donate them to the library so they can sell to raise money and then you can buy new books….  I made a place for the new……

Making pork chops for dinner tonight and have them in the crock pot.  Going to have stuffing with them.

I like to learn new things and educate myself…

Living with Fracking in Washington, PA – Moms Matter 2012 “Swing

Obama speaks in favor of fracking and supports fracking.

It is my understanding that Fracking is not a good thing, so I guess his support of FRACKING is another reason to vote against Obama.

Still have a lot to learn about this topic.

Hope everyone is having a good Monday




19 Oct 2012

October 19, 2012

Good morning.  Have always wanted to go to Scotland to see the Northern Lights.  I love looking at the night sky… The more rural you are the more you see…. There is so much I want to do when I get to Scotland… I will make it to Skye someday… Also Ireland….

Cherry Bomb- John Mellencamp

Will start the day with some John Cougar Mellencamp… Still like listening to his music.

Jack and Diane

Rain on the scarecrow

Rock in the USA

Live at farm aide.

When I lived in Kansas I was committe precint charperson for my district.  Farm issues are very important to me.  That is why I admire so much the work of HRH Prince Charles has done in organic farming.  Salina is home to the Land Institute which is a wonderful group…

I am pro family farming and against big corporate farming.

Here is a clip from the Land Insitute that does great work in the field of farming methods for the 21st century..  I would encourage everyone to support their great work…

Organic small family farming is the way to go…

HRH Prince Charles at Georgetown, speaking about the future of farming.. He is a leader in Organic Farming and has helped the Land Institute in Salina, Kansas( which is a group dear to my heart) in their very important work in research and development….

Can’t understand why so many people don’t respect him as they should and realize how much good HRH Prince Charles does in the world….

As you can tell he is one of my heroes of my generation of Baby Boomers….

He is a very intelligent man and will make a wonderful King someday…

Hope everyone has a great Friday…



24 Aug 2012

August 24, 2012

Good Morning!  Hope everyone has a great day.

Been reading the effects on nuclear accidents and I have come to believe that I am right in opposing nuclear energy.  It is not clean energy and there are much better sources of energy.  We haven’t began to see the damage done in Japan to people, the ocean and the land.  For many years to come we will be feeling the effects of that nuclear diaster.

One of my sources for news regarding this topic is from energy news.


Looks like a wonderful place to take a vacation.  NZ is another place I have always wanted to go to for holiday.


Will post later.



Monday 9 July 2012

July 9, 2012

Good morning.

Have ptsd meeting this morning and
go to the ortho guy this afternoon to
see if they need to do surgery to set
the wrist.

Went back to my sober/recovery forum
as i wanted advice about the pain pills,
as I need honesty.  Addicts can lie to ourselves
to justify using.

Opiate withdrawals are HELL.

I think if they can set it without surgery
I will tough it out with over the counter
drugs.  If surgery will see if there is a non
opiate I can take for two weeks only.

White Nationalism on the march.

White Pride World Wide
music video

Need to take a real music break.

Celtic Women-The Voice


Fracking hell- the untold story


Have a good day will post later.



Tuesday, Part 2

July 3, 2012

The murder of Clan MacDonald Part 3

Part 4

later I will post more of this great series.

Now for a couple of Progressive video’s

Mike Papantonio/Ring of Fire radio.

Excellent interview and very educational.  A must
watch and listen.  The fracking industry is lying
to you.  They are poisoning you and your family
with their chemicals.

There are so many other clean energy sources we
can use.

Mike Papantonio/ Ring of Fire radio.

Very important interview!!!

Jamie Dimon is another LIAR!!!!

I am so sick and tired of liars who hold power.

Led Zeppelin- The Ocean.

Have a great day!!!

