Posts Tagged ‘Lies’

Green Party

September 21, 2008

I am very disappointed that on a Progressive forum that I would be banned because I made the comment that both parties lie. They didn’t tell me why I was banned but reading the rules it said that one must not critize a Democratic Candidate. I get the point if one is a Democrat they are not allowed to speak the truth and say both parties are corrupted.

Yes, the Republicans are more corrupted but the Democrats are too. Who sponored the conventions? If the Democratic Party was as honest as apple pie why hasn’t the Democratic Congress started impeachment hearings for Bush/Cheney? Why do they continue to give in and instead of doing what is best for the American people, they do what is best for corporate America?

Both Candidates have lied. McCain has lied, and Obama has lied. When he said he would stand up against Fisa and then voted for it, that was a lie. So because I am honest and say I have seen lies from both campaigns I get banned? I am very honest and I am sorry if the truth doesn’t mean anything to either of the mainstream political parties anymore in this country.

I just noticed that in Arizona that we can now join the Green Party so I think I just may do that. It seems there is no place in the Democratic party for honesty and speaking the truth that you find both parties guilty of misrepresentation of the facts.

Both parties have failed us. I am voting for the Constitution of the United States. Have the two main parties really stood up for the Consitution or have they allowed it to be ripped to threads all in the name of security?

Frankly, there are many Americans like myself that have a hard time trusting either the Republican or Democratic parties with all the crap that has gone on. There are many Americans who see both parties as part of the problem and not the solution. There are many Americans who worry that our political process is but a sham and that our votes don’t really count anymore. Many Americans don’t feel that it is even worth voting anymore because they feel like the people in government do not represent them but represent the large corporations.

I love my country. My Ancestors fought in the American Revolution. They were part of building this country. I am a Daughter of the American Revolution and I have a deep love for my nation. Frankly I am ashamed of what both parties have done. Oh, but that is right, one must not speak the truth because the truth doesn’t mean anything in America today.

People think I am stupid, but I am not stupid. I heard on the radio yesterday that American voters do not know as much about our government as they should. Did you know that only one in seven people know the 3 branches of government? I know them. Excutive, Legislavie and Judical. I just can’t spell very good. There also many Americans can’t even name their state Senators. Mine are McCain and Kyle. They also said that many Americans can’t name one Supreme Court Judge. There is Kennedy, Sandra Day O’connor, Anthony Sclia,(sp). Our country has been dumbed down enough that they fall for the trickery and vote not because of substance but because of slogans. An yet I am the one who is considered stupid because I don’t have a fancy college degree but for the most part have had to teach myself. Yet, I am one out of the seven Americans that has some basic knowledge of government.

I still have time to change my party before the election so since the Democrats do not believe one can still be a Democrat and be honest about our shortcomings as a party with the hope of trying to change things so that we take our party back for the people than I will join the Green party. Since the Democrats want little robots like the Republican party than it is time for those of us who believe in truth, justice, and doing what is right to leave the Democrats to fall the same way as the Republican party.

Green party here I come. Good bye to the Democrat party. You want to try and silence truth than you will force those of us who believe in truth to leave and not vote Democrat. Lucky for me I have Green Party Candidates that I can vote for on the ballot in AZ. I just joined the Green party so now I can honestly say I am no longer a Democrat.

The Gulag Americano

July 22, 2008

Published on Tuesday, July 22, 2008 by

The Gulag Americano

by Sean Gonsalves

Whenever I’m grasping for perspective amid the creeping fascism of the present moment, I reach for the autobiography of someone who struggled to live a meaningful life under historical circumstances worse than mine.

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn’s “The Gulag Archipelago,” which very personally details the soul-crushing oppression Stalin imposed across the Soviet Union, does the trick.

If just for the sheer power and passion of the prose, I suggest you put it on your summer reading list, though what compelled me to read it wasn’t a desire to revel in first-rate writing. I’m reading it because — well — this is post 9/11 America, where torture as official policy is countenanced by a so-called freedom-loving people, the majority of whom dare call themselves “Christians.” In journalism, “objectivity” has its place. But to remain detached in the face of torture is lose one’s humanity.

The 10-minute video released last week showing a 16-year-old Omar Khadr weeping, calling for his mommy, as he is questioned by clearly sadistic Canadian intelligence agents in 2003, provides the first glimpse of interrogations inside the Guantanamo military prison.

Still imprisoned as an “enemy combatant” five years later in the Gulag Americano on the island of Cuba, the video ought to send shivers down the spine of any moral being on the planet.

Solzhenitsyn’s bone-chilling description of being arrested in the name of “state security” comes to mind. “Arrest! Need it be said that it is a breaking point in your life, a bolt of lightening which has scored a direct hit on you? That it is an unassimilable spiritual earthquake not every person can cope with, as a result of which people often slip into insanity? The Universe has as many different centers as there are living beings in it. Each of us is a center of the Universe, and that Universe is shattered when they hiss at you: ‘You are under arrest…’”

“‘Resistance! Why didn’t you resist?’ Today those who have continued to live on in comfort scold those who suffered. Yes, resistance should have begun right there, at the moment of the arrest itself. But it did not begin. And so they are leading you…”

Where are we being led?

Lisa Hajjar, law professor UC Santa Barbara, has an answer. “The fact that the U.S. has adopted a policy of torture is now beyond dispute, as is the fact that hundreds, if not thousands of totally innocent people have been subjected to officially sanctioned torture and abuse.”

The morally bankrupt and intellectually dishonest defense put forward by administration apologists is that if “errors” were made, it was done with “good intentions,” and in some cases has provided valuable information.

However, “people knowledgeable about the interrogations of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah…have said that any information they provided came during non-coercive interrogations, Hajjar counters. “But because they were tortured, the use of this information for their prosecutions becomes problematic.”

To understand how we got here, Hajjar notes, it’s important to appreciate that the Bush administration goal has been to roll back the legal constraints on the executive branch put in place in the wake of Watergate. Another part of the project is “to repudiate international law as ostensibly ‘un-American.’ Torture is a crime. Now is the time for ‘law and order’ types to ‘get tough on crime.’”

History News Network editor Rick Shenkman backs that up in even more blunt terms. “Despite Watergate, Republicans have never given up their belief in an imperial presidency. If the president does something, it’s not illegal, was Nixon’s line of defense.”

“President Bush violated the law numerous times during his presidency without once expressing remorse at having done so,” Shenkman adds. “Violate the law by going around the FISA court? No problem. Torture terrorist suspects by waterboarding them? No problem, even as his own attorney general designate opined that torture is illegal under the Constitution as a violation of the 14th amendment.”

Remember when Cheney shot his buddy Harry Whittington in the face in that hunting accident? Interesting to note that as a longtime member of the Texas GOP, Whittington was the only Republican to serve on the board of the Texas Department of Corrections. His experience led him to make an observation I’ve tried to make several times over the years.

While prisons get criminals (or “terrorists”) off the streets and dish out retributive justice, what about restorative justice?

We get so caught up in what criminals “deserve” that we lose sight of what Cheney’s buddy came to see: “Prisons are to crime what greenhouses are to plants.”

I’m not suggesting we open the prison doors and let everyone out. But, seeing as how “getting tough” on crime and terrorists is supposed to make us safer, we need journalists and concerned citizens to ask, out loud: If the majority of prisoners are eventually going to be freed because they’re not serving life sentences, doesn’t gulag treatment of prisoners ensure there will be plenty more future victims?

Even laying aside the obvious moral and legal ramifications of prisoner abuse, if the answer to that question is ‘yes,’ then we’ve got the dumbest detainee policy imaginable.

Sean Gonsalves is a news editor and columnist with the Cape Cod Times. He can be reached at

Being Transparent

June 6, 2008

Being Transparent

It is hard to be transparent. No one likes to show a side that would indicate any irresponsibility or failure. No one wants others to know about their embarrassments, or their inconsistencies. Being transparent can prove that we are not who we seem to be, or bear witness to the fact that we aren’t as good at something as we thought we were.

Sometimes being transparent is just letting others see your vulnerable self. It is letting others see you cry, moan, weep or gnash your teeth. It is letting others in on your heartbreak, your hurt, and your sensitive areas. It is coming off the pedestal and standing down in the midst of the crowd.

It is being Jesus, and being hung to die on a cross for all the world to see.

author unknown

This was sent me some time ago by my Catholic Email group. I really like it.

It is scary for some people to be transparent. I know it is scary for me to open up my soul in this journal that anyone can read and use against me. Yet, I am hoping that getting all these emotions out will be healing and I can move on in life.

I am being real.

I had a good night sleep last night.

Do I feel better today after speaking about my feelings for Kitty Olive? Those feelings need to come out. She was a mean and evil person. What kind of person tells a child after her father dies that because he didn’t tell her something that happen to me like being raped and that he didn’t believe me and that it didn’t happen. Or that my father didn’t love me. He was dead so I couldn’t ask him if that was true? Tell me why would my father tell the Olives about my rape when they weren’t even in our lives at the time? Is that something a father is going to share with childhood friends he hasn’t been close to for years? So because my father didn’t tell them it didn’t happen. IT DID HAPPEN AND I WAS THERE. THEY WEREN’T THERE AND FOR THEM TO MAKE THE WORLD BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE TELLING THE TRUTH AND I AM LYING IS VERY WRONG. I don’t hate anyone but if I did I would say Kitty Olive is one of the top people on that list.

I always thought my dad loved me. Where ever we were in the world we would talk on the phone. There wasn’t a day that I didn’t tell my dad I loved him. I thought he loved me too. He made mistakes as we all do, but I always loved him very much as he was my daddy and felt he loved me too or I did until Kitty Olive. She got what she wanted she even took away my dad’s love from me. I don’t know anymore.

She took that love I thought my father felt for me and had to destroy it for her own pleasure.

She is just another Right Wing Republican whose hate hurts people.

I have a lot of unresolved feelings in my life. I know I have to forgive and move on, but how do I forgive someone who set out to destroy any happiness I might have known in life?

My whole life the Kitty Olives in this world win. The people who don’t really care about anything else but them and what it is they want. The people who might be nice to your face but inside they are planning and just waiting for a chance to destroy and hurt you. Let’s lie and gossip. What can we do to stop them from finding any happiness in life because we couldn’t bear to see them happy.

I won’t kill myself, but I can’t wait for the day I die. I still want to die. I have nothing to look forward to in life. I know very little happiness.

Tonight I am going out with a friend for dinner so maybe my mood will improve, but I also think what is the point. Nothing good happens in my life anyway.

The real topper in this is the Kitty Olive is another Catholic who looks her nose down on me when she lies, gossips, hurts people, and enjoys it when their words and actions cause that innocent person to be abused. Yet she has the gall to say I am a bad Catholic. I think she needs to look at her own Catholic walk before judging mine.

Yes, I wear sandals to mass instead of panty hoes and pumps during the Summer because at least in AZ it gets darn right hot. At least out here people wear shorts to mass. Does that make us bad and terrible Catholics because we don’t dress as formal as she does. Is it the clothes a person wears that make them a good Catholic?

She gets a way with it because she looks so normal and good and I on the other hand am a suffering from the effects of abuse, anger, and out of control behavior so I look like this wild animal. So I am always the bad guy that everyone believes the lies and half-truths about and the abuser looks like she is smelling like a rose.

I used to blame Kitty Olive more than the people who listened to her lies and gossip and than run with it. The neighbors who knew that my mother was abusing me and left me there. I had one so called friend Sue say we knew your mother was giving you a hard time and we didn’t want to bother you. Gee that is really nice. I am supposed to be your friend and you know what is going on and you leave me there to suffer more emotional abuse. Did they know I took a whole bunch of sleeping pills because the very neighbors that were suppose to care about me as friends did nothing? I asked for help and was told it wasn’t their problem and was left there so what did they expect I would do? I know Kitty Olive would have been happy if I had died right then and there instead of sleeping for a long time. I think the neighbors would have been happy too if I had died. I wish I would have died then and there.

I just can’t let go because what was done to me that Summer was so terrible that I can’t forget. The so called friends who said they cared and loved me who couldn’t be bothered to help an abused person who needed to be removed from that household. NO, they just left me there to suffer that HELL by myself because they couldn’t be bothered.

So yes, is it any wonder when I got my voice back that I was angry and out of control? I think any normal thinking person would be angry and out of control.

Don’t worry I won’t kill myself because I am a Catholic and I don’t want to be in hell for all eternity for committing sucide. I just wish to God I had never been born or he will take me in death very soon and I can finally have some peace in my life. Just once I would like something good to happen to me.

I am finished trying to be the good Catholic and try for all parties to act like good Catholics and do the right thing by each other. I am done. I am tired of being kicked in the teeth and made to feel like I am this evil person because I want the truth to be told and come out and the right thing to be done.

Oh, the looney title that they put on me is a lie too. Terry the social worker who understood me said he would testify in court that I was not crazy but I was suffering from Post tramatic stress and that I was more in reality than certain other people who keep telling everyone that I am looney tunes.

The Nun who was my dear friend for many years and was at my confirmation and stood up with me when I was confirmed broke my heart too. Out of all people who I thought would have known the truth she said she didn’t know who to believe and that hurt me very much. We had been friends, I had helped with the sisters when they needed help, and she didn’t know if she believed me over people she had never met before. Was it the money that was given for the charity that made her doubt me? When there was an earthquake I sent boxes to her to help with the people who needed it. I know it wasn’t a large sum of money but it was from my heart. I know she couldn’t wait to tell me how much money was donated by a certain family. Was it worth it?

I learned then and there is a different standard for rich Catholics and another one for poor Catholics. The rich Catholic can sin and get away with it and the poor Catholic they sin against is told just forgive and just accept. The rich Catholic can annull their marriages without any real grounds but the poor Catholic is told he is to stay married because his annullment would not be granted.

I lost my faith for a very long time. I am working on getting it back, but it is very hard when I still see the corruption within the church. I wonder if there is a true honest priest anymore with a true heart of God?

I know Father Enzie was but that was many years ago. I haven’t met a priest that has the true heart of God in years. I keep praying I will. There used to be priests who really shined with the love of Christ in them.

Now, I don’t see that. The last church had a priest who liked to get people upset with each other to feed off the energy. He would lie to the people of the church and tell them something when the truth was that he was behind what was happening. Like the case of one women in the church he didn’t like so in a meeting he had someone else bring up topics that he knew would upset this lady. The person did as he was asked to do by the priest and when the lady got very upset and left the room crying the priest was smiling and happy. I don’t want someone like that as my priest. I have known to many people like that in my life. Does the kind of behavior reflect Christ’s love. I DON’T THINK SO.

I remember when my dad died I needed to talk to a priest and he told me he had a golf game. His golf game was more important than talking to someone who had just lost their father. I never went back to that church again. That is just one example of the kind of priests today that are coming up the ranks.

So yes I have some anger toward the church too, but I am trying to work through that. I love the old church. I love Jesus, Mary, and the Saints.

I can’t let my faith be destroyed again but keep my eyes on Jesus. I have to believe that Jesus will heal me of all the hurt that has caused the anger. Jesus heals in the Bible. Jesus heals in real life. HE can heal me and I have to believe that he will show me through the darkness and into the light.

Maybe this is my cross in life to always be misunderstood and misjudged by people. I have to keep my focus on Jesus and not even think that man can help me. Man has failed me every time I have tried to seek his help so I am not going to try anymore. I give up!

Decisions don’t divide people, it’s what people do with decisions that causes or prevents division.

June 6, 2008

Decisions don’t divide people, it’s what people do with decisions that causes or prevents division.

The above quote was in an email from the old church in SC that I used to attend. I found it very interesting.

I think there is some truth to that statement that decisions don’t divide people it what we do with the decisions that causes or prevents division. I would be the first one to admit that there have been some decisions that I haven’t handled very well, and most likely have made the situation worst.

I am sorting through my life experiences right now and trying to get rid of the emotional baggage from my past. If I was in a 12 Step program I would be taking inventory of my life and trying to decide what I should keep in my life, get rid of in my life, forgive those who have hurt me and ask forgiveness to those I have hurt. I want to try and find peace so that I can move forward.

One of the things that I am having a hard time forgiving and forgetting is the Olives who lied about me and to me. Back then people believed the lies about me that they told, when they didn’t know anything about me or my father, yet they acted like they knew all about us for years. True my dad when to school with Mr. Olive but there was at least 30 years where they had very little contact. I know when I was growing up in CA that they never came to visit. Other friends of my dad came from MA but they never visited.

I will never forget the day that Kitty Olive told me that I had not been raped by the gardener when we lived in Saratoga because my dad didn’t tell them about it so that he didn’t believe me. My dad was dead, but when he was alive he acted as he believed me. They were not there, but I was there and it really did happen. Tell me what dad is going to tell someone who he barely knows that his daughter was raped. Is that good table conversatioin? Yet, I know it happen, but I was not believed.

Kitty Olive was the one that told my mother the lie that caused her to abused me that Summer. Another one of Kitty’s lies was believed and yet again I was made out to be this evil person who lies and is loony. I remember asking Terry if I was loony and he said I was more into reality than other people.

I have a very hard time forgiving Kitty Olive and forgetting all the mean and hurtful things she did or cause to happen to me.

I remember the first time I met them was in the Summer of 1975. I was 17. I don’t think Kitty liked me even then. I remember she was saying I have a nephew your age would you like to meet some young people and hang out on the Cape with some young people. I said yes, and then she would say that she didn’t want me to meet or hang out with her nephew or his friends because they were a bad influence. So she holds out the promise I could have some real fun with people my own age, but she snatches it away by refusing to do what she had suggestted. So I spent the whole holiday with the old folks.

They would say one thing to me and then to someone else they would say the opposite to make me look bad. I often wonder if they got great joy in watching the abuse I received that Summer from my mom because of Kitty’s little nasty rumor and lie she told my mother. Knowing that my mother would never ask for such a thing as proof, but just take the rumor and lie and run with it.

I thought that I would try again to try and reconcile and come to peace about that time in my life, because I need to forgive. I feel like again Kitty Olive and her lies have won and once again people only see what Kitty has told them and not the truth.

Sometimes I want to die and I guess I am feeling that right now in my life. What is the point of even living because no one will ever see the truth and all my life will be the same as my past that everyone believes the worst and the Olives win.

I thought about that to day getting a gun and putting it in my mouth and pulling the trigger, but I can’t because I am a Catholic and it is a sin. But it gets so frustrating because I know and Jesus knows that truth, but the world believes the lies of Kitty Olive that I was never abused or raped. There is not justice and people don’t want to know the truth. They would much rather just believe what someone else has told them instead of taking the time and talking to me and hearing the truth. I wouldn’t lie about that. I wouldn’t never lie looking into someone’s eyes.

I don’t know if I will ever be able to forgive and forget what Kitty Olive did and caused to happen to me in this life. I don’t know if I can forgive and forget the way she made me doubt that my father loved me because she told me he didn’t believe me about being raped. Either I am the biggest fool alive because my father said he believed me and I thought he loved me or Kitty lied when she said my father never believed me and thought I was scum. He was dead so how could I ask him what he really felt about me. I always loved him and no matter where I was in the world or where he was in the world we talked everyday and I always told him I loved him. I thought he loved me too, but to Kitty Olive he didn’t. That was very hurtful and cruel what she did.

What do I do now? I guess I have to accept that Kitty Olive has won again and she will always win because the parties involved that Summer do not want to know the truth. IN their minds they already know the truth without even talking to me. Yet Kitty Olive lied and wouldn’t know the truth if it bit her on the face.

Last time this happen I ran off with Jeff and became CI/WN. Even though Jeff was very abusive to me the people I met through SF were not. They were supportive and compassionate. I actually met some nice people who didn’t judge me for my past, but actually were a friend to me when I needed one.

This time I hope I choose to deal with the decisions in a more productive way. I know one thing I will not approch the other people involved and try with a pure heart to work towards doing the right thing and just telling each other the truth. It will be on their heads and they will have to make the next move. I feel stupid that I believed that truth would come out in the end. It won’t because the lies are stronger than the truth.

I get back to do I end my life? I feel like I am nothing that no one sees me, hears me or cares about me. Why was I born if my life is just to be misjudged, lied about, thought badly of, and misunderstood. Why do the bad people like the Olives always win?

I won’t kill myself because it is a sin. I am not a coward. But I am nothing and will always be nothing. I know one thing I look forward to the day I die. Because then I will be with Jesus who knows the truth of what really happen and the truth will be told and the lies of the Olives exposed. Maybe then they will know what it feels like to know the hurt of what their lies caused me.

I thank my two friends out there who know me, see me and love me. One even sent me a post card that really cheered me up today.

Yep, Kitty Olive won again and once again the truth lost out to their lies. I just think I might give up and not even try anymore.

So yes, decisions and how we act because of the decisions people make about us can cause division, pain, hurt, and even sorrow. I think it is like a chain reaction. It just builds from there. and finally there isn’t anything one can do to stop the rumors and lies told about you. Did you ever play the game telephone. One person tells the person next to them something and by the time it reaches the end of the line and back to the orginal person it is totally different than what the orginal sentence was. That is what happen to me. People would rather believe the lie, half truth, and rumors that Kitty Olive started than to ask me what the truth is.

It broke my heart last time and it broke my heart again. I accept that nothing will ever change and the Kitty Olive’s in the world will always win and I will always be the one who gets the short end of the stick.

This is one of the things that I am trying to sort out in my mind so I can move on. I don’t know if I will ever be able to forgive Kitty Olive for what she did, said, and caused my mother to do to me that Summer.

That was the Summer of HELL and I thought I could forgive the neighbors who stood by and didn’t lend a helping hand that Summer when I asked them too. Who said it wasn’t there problem without asking one single question of what was wrong. I thought I had forgiven them. They didn’t start the rumor and lies after all, they just listened to them and believed them without even talking to me and asking me if they were truth. I didn’t believe the lies that were told about them. I asked for proof to be shown me. The Olives couldn’t show any proof. I defended them which only made things worst for me with my mom. I was waiting until I could ask them if what the Olives had said was true. That is what true friends do for each other. They didn’t do that for me so I have to accept the fact that they were never my true friends, even though we spent time riding our horses together. I was a fool to think that they would give me the same courtesty as I gave them.

They chose to believe the lies instead of talking to me and asking me directly. I guess they don’t know that it is best if you do your own research and not count on others who tell you about things. We get back to the game telephone again. They were foolish too.

So where do I go from here. Do I continue to pray that God will let me die. I don’t want to kill myself because it is a sin, but I Pray that God will take me and I will die.

Do I continue to try and work through my past and try to seek a better life? Do I keep on fighting to loose the weight. I have lost 13 pounds in May and working to get back to 125 that I used to be years ago. Do I try and heal from all the pain and emotional scares I have?

I don’t know what I am going to do. I just feel that I will never win and Kitty Olive who is the true WITCH is always going to win and I am always going to be the one who everyone believes the worst about and doesn’t see the real me. They only see the lies, half-truth, and rumors that people have told others about me.

Hopefully, God will take me soon and I will finally find some peace. I look forward to death.

Do You Think This Really Happens in Real Life?

May 25, 2008

I found this artilce on David Duke’s site. I am posting it here because I found the topic interesting and wanted to know if it was true. If I post it here, I can take my time and read it, think about it and then come to an conclusion in my mind.

Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom – The Latest Holocaust Victim
Posted under: General— @ 12:30 am

Respected Astronomer The Latest Holocaust® Victim


Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom, a respected astronomer and author, is the latest scientist to discover the limits of academic freedom in the Western world.

Until recently Dr. Kollerstrom was an honorary fellow of University College London. His views as a science historian were sought by scientific journals and media organizations, such as the BBC in its report on new research concerning the planet Neptune. (Illustration: Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom is seen on set at recent TV interview with noted British revisionist, Lady Michele Renouf. )

Yet on 22nd April University College abruptly terminated his fellowship, without any consultation or right of appeal. Dr Kollerstrom’s offence was to have published sceptical views about scientific aspects of the Holocaust on the CODOH website, based in America. At no time had he promoted these views within University College, or done anything to bring the college into disrepute.

The London based Jewish Chronicle duly boasted about Dr Kollerstrom’s dismissal on the front page of its 25th April edition.

On 7th May Dr Kollerstrom first became acquainted with Lady Renouf to seek advice on whether he could expect to travel safely to Germany where he hoped to present his paper The Walls of Auschwitz – a review of the chemical studies to the Berlin Conference on 15th-18th May.

This conference (Extermination in Gas Chambers in National Socialist Concentration and Extermination Camps) was designed to refute the revisionists’ case on the alleged mass murder weapon – the gas chamber.

Lady Renouf advised in her observation that:

a) it was unlikely that the organisers would include a revisionist paper in their unchallengeable conference (as opposed to the entirely open to allcomers Tehran Conference in 2006 on The Holocaust – A Global Review). And to prove the case she asked the Berlin Conference organisers whether she could be included as press, but received no response;

b) if Dr Kollerstrom were to open his scientific mouth in Germany, or in any of the ten countries where it is illegal to bring forensic science in to question the Holocaust legend “in full or in part”, he would risk certain prosecution and a long term of imprisonment.

About to appear herself on a Press TV live panel discussion Lady Renouf suggested to the channel, which at last offers UK viewers a democratic choice of information sources, that they interview Dr Kollerstrom, who had been persecuted by the mainstream media, thus to provide him with some redress for the vilification and libel he has recently suffered following his scientific article published on a U.S. website.

On 14th May the channel duly filmed an interview with the science historian Dr Kollerstrom and a second interview with Lady Renouf, who provided the background regarding the stark contrast between the open democratic approach she had experienced at the Tehran conference, as compared to the tyrannical and closed programme of this year’s government sponsored Berlin conference, where no revisionist was invited – though the conference was supposed to be all about revisionists and their (source) criticism.

The substance of Dr Kollerstrom’s interview is his hope that a scientific journal will sponsor his own on site chemical analysis of the walls of Auschwitz, in the tradition of the Leuchter Report and the Rudolf Report. These authors, like Dr Kollerstrom himself, came to this work out of scientific curiosity and with no political interest.

Media Link

I read the article, but I want to find out if people are being treated this way just because they want to look at history from all sides. I would think that we would want to perserve all history and that would include taking a look at both sides of the story.

I would also think that we as human beings have a mind and we want to develop our mind. I think one must look at all sides before they can make up their minds to what they believe in their heart.

There is still much I don’t know about this professor or his story to say what the facts are behind this case.

I think one reason why people are worried and concern about people going around and saying the Holocaust didn’t happen is that they don’t want a repeat of history because people had forgotten the lessons learned. The Holocaust did happen. The Nazi’s murdered people in the most brutal fashion.

There were camps. There are lots of pictures, testamony, and evidence to think that it didn’t happen. It wasn’t only Jewish people who were sent to those campes. It was Catholics, Christians, Liberals, Free Thinkers, anyone who stood up against the government, anyone who helped the Jews escape or hid them to keep them safe.

Hitler brainwashed his population to believe that Jews were no better than rats. I have seen the Eternal Jew that was made to get the German population to hate Jews. That movie was terrible. I still have nightmares of the animal torture scenes. I don’t like that and I still see it in my mind. The movie made such a strong impression on my mind that I don’t think I can erase those scenes out of my mind.

I love animals and when the lie is presented as the truth and all you hear is the lie you might just believe the lie as truth. It takes a strong person to stand up and say I will not submit to the lie but fight for the truth.

I don’t think people should be stopped from doing real research and hearing both sides of the story, but your side needs to be honest and admit that the Holocaust did happen.