Posts Tagged ‘Writers group’

American Patriot

April 12, 2009

I better start working on my short piece for writers group.  

 American Patriot

by Christine Cosser

We hear the word American Patriot, but what does it really mean?  Sometimes I think we repeat the word, but have no real feeling or idea of what it really means.  Maybe that is because this generation of Americans have lost the sense of duty to one’s country, flag, and the principles of freedom that this country was founded on.

Our freedom was gain by the lives and fortunes of men and women who knew that if they lost they would be put on trial for treason.  Yet, even when the days of war looked dark and the victory seem out of reach they kept on fighting and didn’t give up.  I think that is where the American spirit that we Americans are known for started.  We were truly the home of the brave and free.

I used to live in Boston, and I love Boston.  It is hard to describe the feeling one has in walking the same streets as great American heroes such as Paul Revere.  To go to Concord and Lexington, or to walk on the deck of old ironsides.  To see first hand the places where American History was made.

This past weekend White Nationalists were going to hold their event in Boston.  People came together to fight that event from taking place that White Nationalists wanted to hold and the group was forced to move the event to New Hampshire because Massachusetts stood up to them and their message of hate.  White Nationalists might accuse us who fought to stop their event from happening in Boston as denying their rights to free speech and gathering. 

The very people who are quoting Thomas Jefferson and crying that their Rights have been violated are the very people who if they achieve their goal will overthrow the United States government as we know it to break the union apart to form little nations.  They want to split this nation into little nations based on race.  They talk about having a Revolution against the American Government and yet they can’t understand why other Americans would be upset with their message and decide that they must fight against their message and goals.

As a Daughter of the American Revolution I remember taking an oath facing the American flag that said I will obey the laws of my country, honor the flag, and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign or domestic.  White Nationalists who dream of tearing up the Union and want another Civil War in this country are to me an enemy. 

They have no real love for their own country.  Some are even so bold that they do not consider themselves Americans anymore because America elected President Obama.  They use fear to scare people into thinking that he is coming to take away their guns.  The kid in PA who was a White Nationalist and killed the police officers was told that and believed that lie told to him by White Nationalists. Yes, we are a country of the Bill of Rights, but we are also a country of laws. 

How long can we be a strong nation when we have American citizens in our own country who are working , hoping and praying for our defeat?  What can we do to stop this growing tide of Americans who seem so disloyal to their own government and flag?  Some of these White Nationalists are more loyal to Russia than to their own country that they were born in.  They say that their race is their nation or White Pride World Wide.  So they are loyal not to the United States, but to White Nationalism.

Yes, they had their meeting this weekend, but I believe that the American people who love this country are going to keep fighting against anyone foreign or domestic who wants to see this country divided into little nations based only on race and who dream of the day another Civil War is being fought on our streets. 

Earth Hour 2009

March 30, 2009

I don’t think this is political, but more currant affairs.  I know they didn’t like me mentioning Rush, so we will see how they feel about Bruce Jacobs.  I don’t want to cause trouble, but I should be able to read the things I write.  We shall see what happens today.

Earth Hour 2009

By Christine Cosser

March 31, 2009

Last Saturday I turned off my lights and reduced my energy use like I hope many people around the world did.  Bruce Jacobs on the Friday morning show asked people to ruin Earth Hour in the Phoenix area and to increase the use of energy for that hour. 

On today’s show Bruce bragged and thanked his listeners for ruining Earth Hour.  While he was happy, I am sad that so many people in my area decided to ruin Earth Hour here in the Phoenix area.  I also find it sad a leading  talk radio host would be part of misinforming people about the reality of climate change.

Not to long ago I heard of a poll that stated that a lot of Americans do not believe Climate Change is real. Why? I believe that part of the reason  is because we have to many Bruce Jacobs that deny that Climate change is real and continue to tell their listeners that climate change is a hoax.

I have been thinking about about ways we can improve the amount of people who turn off their lights for one hour.  This year I know I personally didn’t hear about Earth Hour until Bruce Jacobs called for his listeners to protest.  This year is over with, but next year if we get the word out ahead of time, than maybe we have time to counteract the influence that Bruce Jacobs has in ruining it.  We can be active in educating people to the importance of acting now to curb climate change.  I like the concept of Earth Hour and would love to help make next year a success.

Another Year Older

March 6, 2009

I need to take a break from my trolling White Nationalist video clips and sites.  After a while I just need to get away from all the garbarge and focus on the real world.  So I thought I would work on my writing for Writer’s group this week.

I really didn’t like any of the words for the week so I will write on something else.

Another Year Older

By Christine Cosser

Yesterday was my birthday.  I am now another year older.  Yes, the world is a much different place than in 1958 when I entered the world.  Just because the world is different does it mean that the world is a terrible place now, because it is not the exact same way as in 1958?

I just got done watching a White Nationalist video or I should say I quit watching it when it reached a certain point, because it was just so filled with lies I couldn’t take having the lies thrown at me like they were.  It starts out in the 50’s and nice peaceful music and pictures of what America was like back then.  Then it has a change of music and starts with the year 1965 when the Civil Rights Bill was passed.  You know the year the Anti-Christ took over and started to seek the destruction of White America.  They start this section with the numbers 666 and show the picture of President Johnson and others in government signing the Bill.  It proceeds from bad to worst at this point.  I get angry in my fight against White Nationalism because there are Americans who really believe that crap.

It is like these people are afraid of any change so any change is evil to them.  They want America to go back to the 50’s, but one can not turn back the clock of time.  We are living in 2009.  As much as I may not like getting older and seeing the changes in my body I accept the fact that I have gray in my hair.  As much as I would like to be 17 again and spending part of the Summer on Cape Cod I can’t go back and either can America go back in time to 1958.

We can only move forward in life and learn to accept the changes.  I think America like all of us have to move forward as a nation and make the best out of each new chapter that comes along. Each generation of Americans should have a chance make their own mark on this country.  Why do you White Nationalists want to insist that things have to be as they were in the 50’s?  Most Americans don’t want to be in a 1950’s time warp. Look, I like the 50’s as much as anyone else.  I was born in the 50’s and on year I dressed up in the pink satin skirt for a party once when it was 50’s theme..  I like the music of the 50’s too.  They had some great books and movies written during those years.  I just accept the fact that life moves forward and we can learn from the past and improve on the knowledge and invent and use technologies that they never dreamed of in the 50’s.

Each generation of Americans is different.  I am different than my mother who was different than her mother’s generation.  Some values never change and each generation still hold on to them, but why do future generations have to be stuck in this time warp of America that you White Nationalists want to keep us in?  Why are you so afraid of non whites being allowed freedom in this nation?  Why are some of you so afraid of women being allowed to have equal rights to men?  Why are you so afraid of science and developing renewable energy sources?

One claim made in this video is of course that out of all the abortions performed in this country the majority of them White babies.  You claim that the government is involved in an evil plot to have only White babies aborted.  Do you really believe that crap?  Yes, I call it crap.  You talk about the evils of abortion on your side, but You have not thought about the quality of life that children of White Nationalists are being born in.

Some White Nationalists say it doesn’t matter if you can’t afford to have children but pop out a new White baby every year. Some say we can go on welfare, but yet you condemn others who go on welfare.  You talk about how irresponsible other races are but you are being just as irresponsible.  Then you have the fact that children who are being born into that life will for the most part never have a chance to develop their own mind, because they will be brainwashed from day one the White Nationalist message and will be encouraged to join the fight to save your race and to try and gain political power around the world.  White Nationalists have to make sure that White males continue to be the masters and the rest of us must accept the roles and the place in society that you deem acceptable in your White Nationalist homeland.

I think it is important that we as a nation allow the younger generation their turn in finding out what defines them as a generation of Americans.  We don’t have to be afraid of change.  Change can be a good thing.  We may not like it at first, but in the end it just might be good for us.  I would hope that as a nation we know more now than in 1958.  I would hope in 2058 they will know more than 2009.  Knowledge is a good thing, and finding ways to move forward in developing all kinds of new technologies is a good thing.  We didn’t have computers in 1958 and look how the world depends on computers today.  Who knows what wonderful inventions will be made in the future.

My Yahoo Account

January 31, 2009

I thought I would write my piece for writers group this week on my email account being hijacked.  It is not political nor religious.

My Yahoo Account


Christine Cosser

Do you ever feel like you are a stupid idiot?  I know I do.  Sometimes I feel like I am the stupidest person on the face of earth, lol.

This week I had my yahoo email account hijacked and mail was sent to people in my address book asking for money to be sent to England.  I was fooled to think that an email sent to me was from an official from Yahoo who needed my personal information.  I know really dumb.

I heard about how dumb I was.  The thing is I am a really trusting person.  I like to see the good in people and I have a hard time seeing that some people are evil and do evil things.  I have always needed a protector my whole life, and I guess I still do.  Someone I can talk to about things and not be made to feel like a total idiot for asking their opinions on people and things.  Because I am so trusting I am always getting myself in trouble which has led to situations that have caused bad things to happen to me.

Anyway, let this be a warning to all of you to never trust anyone on the internet that is sending you email asking for personal info.  The criminals are really good and making the email look legal.  I have even received mail claiming to be from the FBI asking for personal info.  It looked real too. I got really upset over the FBI one thinking that they were going to come and arrest me any minute if I didn’t give the information they asked for.  Why do people have to scare people to get them to do things?

The lesson I learned is not send anyone personal info and if I have my doubts on if it is a spam email I will ask someone first.  Though I really don’t have anyone to ask, but I will try to not be fooled again. It was a really big deal having one’s id stolen and people committing crimes with your id name.  I would hate for this to happen to you.

Just today in one my Catholic Email groups, they were talking about how in Canada they are having trouble with spam up there and to warn people about a certain spam mail that was going around.  It is really sad that we have to be careful and not let our guard down for one minute.

Confederate Rose

December 31, 2008

The word for this week is colorful so that should be fun.  I was thinking of writing a short story about someone I used to know and considered a friend.  Who knows what I will come up with?

I could call the main character Wade.  Instead of using the real name the person would be the inspiration of this story I will think about it, but at least I have the main character of my story. 

I am actually thinking of turning this into a novel.  So I am only going to post the short story.

Third draft:

Confederate Rose

By Christine Cosser

Wade Le Blanc was a very interesting colorful man.  He grew up in New Orleans, LA.  He spent most the time before the War fishing on the bayou with his dogs Beau and Rebel.  His plantation called Live Oak Plantation was South of the city.  It was very beautiful with the live oak trees hanging with Spanish Moss.  It was very peaceful and Wade lived there with his dogs. Every place that Wade went his dogs were always with him too.  They were as colorful as their master and knew the bayous almost as well as Wade did.

Like most Southern gentlemen Wade hoped that the North would let the South succeed from the Union, but he was willing to go to war to keep the way of life that made the South the colorful place it was with all its colorful smells and sights that made the South like no other place on earth.  The sound of slaves in the cotton fields singing as they work.  There was no place like the South Wade thought and he felt very strongly that the South should be free from the dictates of the North.

He bragged to his best friend George that if the Confederacy did go to war that the war would be over in less than a month.  They would go and beat the Yankees and teach those Yankees a lesson that they would never forget.  Wade was a little bit of a braggart, but that was part of his colorful Southern charm. South Carolina has just succeeded from the Union Wade told his friend George and we must defend the honor of the South if Lincoln won’t let us go peacefully.

Sarah Adams was a Boston girl.  She was born and grew up on the South Shore.  Her home was Marshfield, MA.  She had dark hair and dark eyes and lots of freckles in her youth.  She was the total opposite of Wade in that while Wade felt the South was morally right to succeed from the North because it had the right to live as they had always lived and that no one should tell the South that holding slaves was wrong.  Sarah on the other hand had worked with the underground railroad to help the slaves who tried to flee the their masters in the South to make it to freedom in the North.  She felt it was her moral duty to fight slavery and to keep the nation united so she strongly support President Lincoln.

Because she felt so strongly about freedom for all people she decided that she must become a spy to help the Union win the war.  Sarah decided that she would offer her services to the government and use her charm and beauty to get the information needed; so that the Union army could start to change the direction of the this war so that the Yankee side would win.  So she went to Washington to meet the people she would be working with.  After her training she moved to New Orleans and took the name Sarah La Rose.  Her code name was Confederate Rose. 

It didn’t take Sarah long to pick up the Southern Accent so that she could pass as a southern belle.  The first time Wade saw Sarah was at a dance while he was home from the war front on leave over Christmas.  He asked around to find out who she was.  He was told she had moved here from Savannah and had bought the old Riverfront Plantation that used to belong to the Burns family.  Sarah gave her plantation that nave River Rose Plantation.

On the night Wade met Sarah she was wearing a blue Velvet dress with a matching cape.  She wore pearl pins in her hair and a pearl necklace.  Sarah was a wonderful dancer and all the eyes of the men in the room were on her. Wade looked handsome in his uniform of Grey.  As an officer he was used to getting his own way.  I think he fell in love with Sarah the first moment his eyes feel upon her.  Sarah on the other hand wasn’t interesting in finding love, but just thinking about the work she must do to get the information she needed to pass on to the Union Army so that they could use the information to their advantage.  She knew that she would have to play the game of love with Wade to make him fall in love and tell her the information.  Wade was a proud man and he believed very strongly in the Cause.  She knew that Wade wouldn’t think twice about killing her if he found out the truth, that instead of the beautiful Southern belle from Savannah, GA that she was a Yankee Spy from Boston.

Wade looked over at Sarah and she smiled.  He decided that he would ask her to dance.  “Would you like to dance with me”, Wade asked Sarah.  ” I would love too”, Sarah answered.  Wade walked Sarah out to the dance floor and once he held her in his arms he knew that he had strong feelings for her and that he wanted to get to know her better.  Sarah knew that Wade could be charming in that colorful Southern way, but she also knew that inside he also believed in the Southern Cause with his whole heart and soul and if he found out that she was a Yankee Spy he would kill her in an instant.



I will continue to work on it.  Anyway, at least I have started it and we will see how it progresses.  I will work on it later.  I would love to hear if you think the story has merit for me to try and expand the story and put into a novel. I have always loved historical fiction and I think it would be great fun to base a book on a Yankee women spy during the Civil War.

The Great Speaker

December 27, 2008
The words this week are Reliable and Spell binder.  Being Christmas I am
getting a late start on writing my story this week, so I thought I
better start now.
The Great Speaker
When I look back on the Presidents of this country I can name a few
who were great speakers and kept the audience spell bound by their
words and sentences.  Some of them have had their speeches
published in books of great speakers. In my life time
 I can name two who would fall into that category of being great speakers who inspire Americans to carry out the vision that they have.
I remember when I was a little girl and we were living in Los Altos Hills,
California and watching Neil Armstrong walk on the moon.  The year was
1969 and I remember seeing an American flag placed on the moon.  I believe
that most Americans had their tv sets on for that historic moment.  I also knew that it wouldn’t have happen if President Kennedy hadn’t inspired
us as a nation to develop our space program.
On May 25, 1961 President John F. Kennedy spoke to the nation.  It was his first state of the union message to Congress and to the American people.  In his address he talked about his vision for the Space Program along with other important issues that he felt facing this nation.  He talked about how he dreamed of having a man on the moon by 1969. I think that is why all Americans were so spell bounded to their tv sets that day in 1969 when his goal and dream for the American space program became reality.
On September 12, 1962 President Kennedy also spoke at Rice University about going to the moon and our space program.  He knew that future historians would view the sixties as a “new age of discovery”.  I also think
he liked the thought of the adventure of exploring new worlds and that is why I think he was bold about building a strong program of space exploration.
One of my favorite books is called “Let Every Nation know” by Robert Dallek and Terry Golway.  It also includes a CD of his speeches.  I still get chills when I listen to his speeches.  He could inspire and teach at the same time.  He made one feel like yes, we could make a difference for good in the world.  He made us feel like we could achieve the hard goals he set before us as a nation.  I was still a little girl, but I remember him speaking on tv.  He had the gift of a political orator who could spell bind his listeners into believing that we Americans were a great nation and yes, we would send a man to the moon by 1969.
President Ronald Regan had that gift of speaking in such a way that his audience was spell bounded.  I think President Elect Obama also may have that rare gift of being a great political speaker who can cast a spell over people by his words and get them to believe in themselves and in the vision that they want to lead America down.

Courage to Forgive

December 18, 2008

The words this week for writers group are courage and intimate.  I thought I would work on a different style of writing this week.  I want to grow and explore all different kinds of writing styles.

All done.  I think it will be interesting to see what the reaction of writers group is.  I was going for Jane Austin.

Courage to Forgive

The first time I met John McDonald I thought what beautiful blue eyes he had and his smile so bright that it just melted my heart. The few times we met socially we always smiled and I thought we were friends.  One day when I need a friend to help me, John showed me just how little he valued my friendship.

Now all these years later, John and I are brought together again as a Christmas Eve Ball. I knew that it was dangerous to spend to much one on one time with him as I still had strong feelings of love and anger for John.  Those feelings scared me and made me feel very uncomfortable. I was determined that I would not allow close contact between John and I and if he did ask me to dance that I would refuse.

Why would I be so afraid of one dance and being held in the arms of the most handsome man I have ever met? My heart had been broken before and I didn’t want to go through the pain of trusting John only to find out that he would leave me in a difficult situation and not care what I was going through.  So I resolved to build a wall to keep myself from being hurt again.  Would I ever have the courage to allow myself to open my heart to John and allow him to come into my heart?

Yet, at the same time I hope and prayed that John would come and ask me for a dance so we could have a chance to talk things out and hopefully forgive each other for the past mistakes.  I really loved his smile and thought he was very interesting. I always believed in John and believed that he could achieve great things in the world if only he believed in himself.  I also was proud of him for the accomplishments that he already made in life.  I had mixed feeling because I still loved him with unconditional love of friendship yet I was afraid of getting hurt.  Back and forth my feeling went between wanting to get close to John and wanting to run away.

As I am thinking all these different thoughts I noticed that John was walking over towards me.  John walked up to me and said ” would you like to dance”.  I was shaking but courage found me and I said ” yes John, I would like that very much.  We danced a few dances and as he held me, I knew the same feelings of friendship and love were still there on my end.  Yet, I was not going to say anything as I had my pride.  After the second dance John asked me if I would like to go outside as we had some things to talk about.

We walked outside and the full moon was shining bright.  It was a little chilly, but I didn’t mind as I have always loved this time of year with snow.  I had my warm wrap and I was warm.  John first told me he was sorry.  He said he realized the truth now, and that he was wrong not to help me.  He said he wanted to make it up to me.  I told him that I had forgiven him a long time ago.  That I had been dreaming and praying for years that we would meet again and be able to talk things out and move past this and be better friends to each other in the future.  John gave me a hug and we knew from that moment on that life would not be the same for either of us, as we both had found the courage to be friends again to each other.

The Worlds Best Hamburger

December 13, 2008

I am now working on my second piece for the week.  I have until Monday night to finish it and get it copied into my notebook.  No problem!!!  I do good under pressure, lol.

The Worlds Best Hamburger
By Christine Cosser

December 12, 2008

Americans love hamburgers.  I believe it is one of the foods that started in America and we have shared with the world.  As most Americans I know a good one when I taste it.  Cozy Inn in Salina, Kansas has the best hamburger I have ever tasted.  There is only one cozy inn and it isn’t a chain so unless you happen to pass by and stop in Salina, Kansas you can’t understand how those of us who lived in Salina feel about the cozy Inn. 

I no longer live in Salina and therefore am in search for another establishment that knows how to make an authentic cozy Inn burger.  Haven’t found it yet.  They are good, but they just don’t compare with the real Mccoy.

Cozy’s are small and you order them by the bag full.  They have onions, pickles and don’t come with cheese.  Cozy Inn opened in 1922 and their grill is the secret.  It is the same grill and it makes that burger have a special taste that no other place can achieve the same exact taste, which makes a Cozy a Cozy.

Another thing about the Cozy Inn is that it has a smell to it.  You go to cozy to pick up your bag of burgers and the whole town just smiles and says you had Cozy’s for lunch today. If you stay and have lunch there you sit at a counter and really get that smell upon you, but you get to chat with all the interesting people who are there.  They don’t serve Fries and the coke comes in a bottle.  Cozy Inn is truly a landmark in Salina, Kansas. 

People tell me White Castles are just like Cozy Inn, but it is not the same.  It is not an authentic Cozy Inn burger.  People said there was a place in Phoenix called Chicago Burgers, but when I tried it I was disappointed again.  They were good, but just weren’t authentic cozy burgers.

Burger King, McDonalds, or Wendy’s just don’t have authentic cozy burgers so the search goes on for a place that has a hamburger that tastes as good to me as a cozy burger.  No matter how many hamburgers I eat in life there is only one place that I can say serves the best hamburger and that is Cozy Inn



Have You Ever Wondered Why The Donkey?

December 11, 2008

We shall see what this week brings.  Actually this week I am writing two stories.  This one for myself which I may not read because they have a rule no politics or religion, but I am going to write it anyway, and keep it in case I want to submit it to the Splash.

Have you ever wondered why the Donkey?


Christine Cosser


Have you ever been curious of how the donkey became the symbol the Democratic party?  It is one of those questions one ponders but is not so very important to know. Some may call it trivia.

Andrew Jackson in his campaign for President in 1828 was attacked by his rival.  His rival tried to label him a “jackass” for holding populist views and his slogan of ” Let the people rule”.  Having a good sense of humor Jackson turned that attack around to his advantage by putting the donkey on his campaign posters. 

The New York Daily ran a cartoon during the Garfield/Hancook race showing the Democratic candidate riding a donkey leading a parade of crusaders.  By 1880 The Democratic party had accepted the idea of the donkey as their mascot. To the Democrats the donkey is humble, smart, courageous and loveable.  To the Republicans the donkey is seen as stubborn, silly and ridiculous. 

While the Democrats have not voted to make the donkey their party symbol; they do use the donkey on campaign literature. 

Isn’t it interesting trivia that what started out to insult Andrew Jackson by his enemies has become the unofficial symbol of the Democratic party?  Ironic to say the least.  Now you have just learned some more trivia that you can store in case you are asked that question in a game of trivia pursuit.



Christmas Angel

November 26, 2008

The word for this week is angel so I thought I would write a Christmas story.   I can remember my dad telling me that he and his dad would go to the woods behind their house in Lynn/Lynnfield and find a tree and cut it down.  Of course now the woods are houses and people can’t do that anymore, but I thought I would try and write a story based on that.

My final draft to take to writers group on Tuesday.


Christmas Angel


Christine Cosser

It was a cold day when Mary, James, and Elizabeth became lost in the woods behind their house.  They had been walking in the woods that day to find a Christmas tree.  James was the oldest at fourteen, Mary was ten and little Elizabeth was 6 years old.

It was 1917 and they lived in Lynn, Massachusetts on the Lynnfield line.  In those days there was a large wooded area where they would pick out a Christmas tree and cut it down.  Usually they waited and went with their dad who worked in Boston, but James wanted to show his dad that he was old enough to get the family Christmas tree; so this year the children were given the task of getting the tree.

December in Massachusetts the weather can change very quickly.  When the children had left home that morning the weather was cold but clear.  Within a few hours the weather had changed and a blizzard was moving in.  The children were so engrossed in finding the perfect tree they weren’t paying attention to the change of weather.  Once James realized just how bad the weather was getting and decided he and his sisters should start walking home it was snowing and getting worst by the minute.  The wind was blowing so much that it was driving the snow around and making it hard to see.

The girls were starting to get scared.  Elizabeth the youngest one started to cry.  James tried to comfort them as best he could and told his sisters not to worry that they would make it home ok.  Even though James was worried himself he didn’t dare let his sisters see just how worried he was. 

He told them that God would send an angel to help them find their way home.  James was praying to God a silent prayer asking for God to send an angel to guide them home safely.  He then said a Hail Mary.

In heaven God heard his prayer.  He called the Christmas angel to come and see him. Michael, the Christmas Angel answered the call and was told of the situation that the children were in.  He was asked to go and help the children find their way home safely.  

Michael came down from heaven.  It was cold and really snowing, but he found a natural cave that could be used as shelter.  He then went and found the children and brought them to this shelter and built a fire.  The children were cold and so the fire helped warmed them.

Michael told James and the girls that they would have to wait out the storm, but that they would be safe in this shelter as their was fire for heat, food, and water.  Michael told the children, ” I am the Christmas Angel and God heard your prayers and sent me down to help you and your sisters”.

In the mean time, Emma their mother was very worried about the children.   She got on her knees and prayed her rosary that God would send an angel to bring her children home safely. God sent another angel named Anne to let her know that the children were safe and God was watching over them and not to worry.   Emma knew in her heart that God was in control and with the Christmas angel’s  help her children were safe.

The next morning once the snow had stopped the parents started out to find them and James and his sisters left the cave and they met on the path.  They were very happy and soon they were home drinking hot cider and eating a large breakfast of sauage and eggs.  James told his parents about the Christmas Angel Michael who had taken care of them that night and  his mother told about the angel who had visitied her and told her that God had sent the Christmas angel to protect the children. Everyone gave thinks to the Lord for hearing their prayers.