Posts Tagged ‘Media’

ring of fire radio

July 14, 2012

ring of fire radio starts now

Ring of Fire’s Weekly News – June 27th

June 29, 2009

Ring of Fire’s Weekly News – June 27th

“The Woman Behind the New Deal: The Life of Frances Perkins, FDR’s Secretary of Labor and His Moral Conscience”

March 31, 2009

“The Woman Behind the New Deal: The Life of Frances Perkins, FDR’s Secretary of Labor and His Moral Conscience”

Attorney General Nominee Eric Holder Declares “Waterboarding Is Torture”

January 17, 2009

Attorney General Nominee Eric Holder Declares “Waterboarding Is Torture”


President-elect Barack Obama’s nominee to be Attorney General, Eric Holder, has declared waterboarding to be a form of torture and has vowed to shut down Guantanamo Bay. At his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Holder was questioned about torture, the pardoning of fugitive billionaire Marc Rich and the commutation of sentences of sixteen members of the Puerto Rican independence group the Armed Forces of National Liberation, known as FALN. We play highlights. Plus author Louise Erdrich on the man to whom Clinton/Holder did not grant clemency: Leonard Peltier.

The Daily Left – White House Computer Search Granted

January 15, 2009

New EPA Head To Actually Rely On Science! ; Bank of America Begging for Bigger Bailout ; Court Grants Motion to Search White House Computers

The Daily Left – “You Are Being Watched”

January 14, 2009

White House Used Interns to Fill Empty Press Conference; Justice Department Sues Indiana For Discriminating Against Whites; ACLU Launches “You Are Being Watched” Campaign.

“An Unconscionable Legacy”–Veteran White House Correspondent Helen Thomas on the Bush Presidency

January 13, 2009

“An Unconscionable Legacy”–Veteran White House Correspondent Helen Thomas on the Bush Presidency

President Bush held his final news conference Monday. Bush fervently defended his record, saying he made the nation safer following the 9/11 attacks, rejected the idea that the nation’s moral standing has been damaged over the past eight years and defended the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina. We speak with veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas. She’s the most senior member of the White House press corps and has covered every president since Kennedy.

The Daily Left – Bush Says Torture Still Necessary

January 13, 2009

Bush Says Torture Still Necessary; Obama Backs Off Torture Prosecutions; Hate Groups Use Bad Economy As Recruiting Tool; Dangerous Levels of Coal Ash Pile Up Across America

Fmr. Clinton Special Counsel Lanny Davis vs. Israeli Professor Neve Gordon: A Debate on the Israeli Assault on Gaza

January 12, 2009

Fmr. Clinton Special Counsel Lanny Davis vs. Israeli Professor Neve Gordon: A Debate on the Israeli Assault on Gaza

 Israel has poured thousands of reservists into Gaza as Israeli troops push deeper into Gaza City in the seventeenth day of fighting. Nearly 900 Palestinians have now died, including 275 children. Another 4,100 Palestinians have been injured. The Israeli death toll is at thirteen. We host a debate on the crisis with Lanny Davis, senior adviser to the Israel Project and the former special counsel to President Clinton, and with Neve Gordon, an Israeli professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

Ring of Fire’s Weekly News January 10th

January 10, 2009

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. And Mike Papantonio run down this week’s buried stories, including the charges filed against Blackwater for a drunken guard’s murderous actions in Iraq.