Archive for the ‘Writer’s Workshop’ Category

American Patriot

April 12, 2009

I better start working on my short piece for writers group.  

 American Patriot

by Christine Cosser

We hear the word American Patriot, but what does it really mean?  Sometimes I think we repeat the word, but have no real feeling or idea of what it really means.  Maybe that is because this generation of Americans have lost the sense of duty to one’s country, flag, and the principles of freedom that this country was founded on.

Our freedom was gain by the lives and fortunes of men and women who knew that if they lost they would be put on trial for treason.  Yet, even when the days of war looked dark and the victory seem out of reach they kept on fighting and didn’t give up.  I think that is where the American spirit that we Americans are known for started.  We were truly the home of the brave and free.

I used to live in Boston, and I love Boston.  It is hard to describe the feeling one has in walking the same streets as great American heroes such as Paul Revere.  To go to Concord and Lexington, or to walk on the deck of old ironsides.  To see first hand the places where American History was made.

This past weekend White Nationalists were going to hold their event in Boston.  People came together to fight that event from taking place that White Nationalists wanted to hold and the group was forced to move the event to New Hampshire because Massachusetts stood up to them and their message of hate.  White Nationalists might accuse us who fought to stop their event from happening in Boston as denying their rights to free speech and gathering. 

The very people who are quoting Thomas Jefferson and crying that their Rights have been violated are the very people who if they achieve their goal will overthrow the United States government as we know it to break the union apart to form little nations.  They want to split this nation into little nations based on race.  They talk about having a Revolution against the American Government and yet they can’t understand why other Americans would be upset with their message and decide that they must fight against their message and goals.

As a Daughter of the American Revolution I remember taking an oath facing the American flag that said I will obey the laws of my country, honor the flag, and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign or domestic.  White Nationalists who dream of tearing up the Union and want another Civil War in this country are to me an enemy. 

They have no real love for their own country.  Some are even so bold that they do not consider themselves Americans anymore because America elected President Obama.  They use fear to scare people into thinking that he is coming to take away their guns.  The kid in PA who was a White Nationalist and killed the police officers was told that and believed that lie told to him by White Nationalists. Yes, we are a country of the Bill of Rights, but we are also a country of laws. 

How long can we be a strong nation when we have American citizens in our own country who are working , hoping and praying for our defeat?  What can we do to stop this growing tide of Americans who seem so disloyal to their own government and flag?  Some of these White Nationalists are more loyal to Russia than to their own country that they were born in.  They say that their race is their nation or White Pride World Wide.  So they are loyal not to the United States, but to White Nationalism.

Yes, they had their meeting this weekend, but I believe that the American people who love this country are going to keep fighting against anyone foreign or domestic who wants to see this country divided into little nations based only on race and who dream of the day another Civil War is being fought on our streets. 

Do Over

April 4, 2009

I thought I better get started on what I am going to write for Writers Group this week.  The words are revenge or regret.  I can write out my feelings of anger or I can write out my feelings of sadness, lol.

Do Over

By Christine Cosser

I think most people have a certain amount of regret in their lives.  A common regret is wishing that we could do over certain actions and events in our lives.  How many times have I heard the expression if only I could go back and do things again I would do it different.  Feeling the emotion of regret I think is very normal in human beings.

If I had to go back in my time machine and I could do anything in my life over again, I would go back to Marshfield, Ma.  I emotionally shut down and couldn’t say or express what I needed to say.  If I could do things different I would have forced myself to speak up and say it is your problem and this is why it is your problem instead of just keeping silent and shutting down emotionally and not being able to express myself.  It might not have done any good, but at least I wouldn’t think it is all my fault because I couldn’t make the person understand what was happening.

The reality is that we can’t go back in time and change the outcome of things.  We just have to move forward and learn to live with the regret and those feelings if I had done something different than things might have turned out different.  I remember a nun told me to let go.  I have a hard time with letting go, because I hate to quit.  It is next to impossible to get me to quit, when I feel that the right thing to do is to keep fighting for what is very important to me. 

We can never go back, but must always move forward. Those areas in our lives that have not been dealt with and we still have unfinished emotions over must be worked through at some point. I believe that in time we all must  face the truth and have the courage to face  and resolve those feelings.  

Earth Hour 2009

March 30, 2009

I don’t think this is political, but more currant affairs.  I know they didn’t like me mentioning Rush, so we will see how they feel about Bruce Jacobs.  I don’t want to cause trouble, but I should be able to read the things I write.  We shall see what happens today.

Earth Hour 2009

By Christine Cosser

March 31, 2009

Last Saturday I turned off my lights and reduced my energy use like I hope many people around the world did.  Bruce Jacobs on the Friday morning show asked people to ruin Earth Hour in the Phoenix area and to increase the use of energy for that hour. 

On today’s show Bruce bragged and thanked his listeners for ruining Earth Hour.  While he was happy, I am sad that so many people in my area decided to ruin Earth Hour here in the Phoenix area.  I also find it sad a leading  talk radio host would be part of misinforming people about the reality of climate change.

Not to long ago I heard of a poll that stated that a lot of Americans do not believe Climate Change is real. Why? I believe that part of the reason  is because we have to many Bruce Jacobs that deny that Climate change is real and continue to tell their listeners that climate change is a hoax.

I have been thinking about about ways we can improve the amount of people who turn off their lights for one hour.  This year I know I personally didn’t hear about Earth Hour until Bruce Jacobs called for his listeners to protest.  This year is over with, but next year if we get the word out ahead of time, than maybe we have time to counteract the influence that Bruce Jacobs has in ruining it.  We can be active in educating people to the importance of acting now to curb climate change.  I like the concept of Earth Hour and would love to help make next year a success.


March 23, 2009

I thought I better start working on what I am going to write for writers group this week.


by Christine Cosser

When I was a young girl I remember the song make new friends and keep the old, one is silver and one is gold.  Today I made a new friend.  I actually made three new friends as I count her dogs Tillie and Micky.  I love dogs and they love me.

I also prayed for an old friend today.  Yes, I prayed for a friend I haven’t talked to in 20 years, but who I still love and hold in my heart as a dear friend, though at the same time I am still angry at him.  I prayed that  we would be able to talk things through and forgive each other for the pain we caused each other.  I am a Pollyanna in that I see the best in the people who I allow in my heart, and I will never give up hoping that someday this person will see the truth and not judge me so harshly but understand me to the point he can see the good in me.  Yet, I live in the reality that chances are we will never talk things through and end things on a good note.

So today I am thinking of that song of childhood of friendship and as I allow a new friend in my heart, I still treasure an old friends I haven’t see in years.  True friendship is very rare and when you find it cherish it.  

Friends come in and out of our lives.  Some move away and so we don’t see them or talk to them as much as we once did, but they are still our friends in our hearts.  I would still be there for them if they ever needed help in any way.  We still have the memories of the good times we shared and the smiles we shared with each other.  We still have the laughter and the joy of being together.

Friends are not always going to agree on every single issue, but you still love them as a friend and accept them where they are.  True friends learn to disagree, but to still keep the friendship.  I guess the most important part of being a true friend to someone is to treat them the way you want to be treated.  If we are willing to work at being the kind of friend we want others to be to us, than we shall know true friendship in our lives.  Forgiving each other for our many failures is also very important to make a friendship last over the years.

To all the friends I have had over the years, new and old, I have never forgotten you and hold the memories that we shared in my heart. 

My Special Keepsakes

March 14, 2009

 I decided to be the nice, sweet one who will try not to cause trouble this week in writers group, lol.  Actually being that it is Saint Patrick’s day on Tuesday and my special keepsakes are Irish so I thought I would write on them.
My Special Keepsakes

By Christine Cosser

I think everyone has special keepsakes that are very dear to them.  I have two keepsakes that I will write about.  One is a Irish belleek vase that my father got me for one birthday.  I just love it and I think it is one of my most treasured possitions I own.  It is white with green three leaf clovers painted over it.

My father was very good at surprising me.  He knew I loved good surprises and time and time again he would surprise me with wonderful things.  So my vase hold a very special place in my heart because I loved my father so.

The other keepsake I have is one I found on the ground and picked it up.  I liked it and wear it every St. Patrick’s day.  It is a medal that has two Irish flags painted on it and in between the flags is a three leaf clover on a black background and the words Ireland.  I guess someone else’s trash became my treasure.  It reminds me that some people look only at the outside and not on the inside and so because from the outside it doesn’t look good they miss the value of the person in the heart.  Some of the greatest people in this world from the outside look like total duds, but the inside they have a heart of gold and so therefore they are the most valuable of all.

Some people have special lockets that open and close and put pictures of their loved ones.  Some people might have a ring or other piece of jewelry that they hold dear to their hearts.  I know some people have an old book that they hold as a keepsake.  I think a keepsake can be anything that is important to you.

The value of our special keepsakes is not in how much money they are worth but what they are worth to us personally.   My little Irish medal isn’t worth anything, but it means something to me.  My belleek vase reminds me of my dad.  I wouldn’t part with either of my special keepsakes because I could never replace them.




Another Year Older

March 6, 2009

I need to take a break from my trolling White Nationalist video clips and sites.  After a while I just need to get away from all the garbarge and focus on the real world.  So I thought I would work on my writing for Writer’s group this week.

I really didn’t like any of the words for the week so I will write on something else.

Another Year Older

By Christine Cosser

Yesterday was my birthday.  I am now another year older.  Yes, the world is a much different place than in 1958 when I entered the world.  Just because the world is different does it mean that the world is a terrible place now, because it is not the exact same way as in 1958?

I just got done watching a White Nationalist video or I should say I quit watching it when it reached a certain point, because it was just so filled with lies I couldn’t take having the lies thrown at me like they were.  It starts out in the 50’s and nice peaceful music and pictures of what America was like back then.  Then it has a change of music and starts with the year 1965 when the Civil Rights Bill was passed.  You know the year the Anti-Christ took over and started to seek the destruction of White America.  They start this section with the numbers 666 and show the picture of President Johnson and others in government signing the Bill.  It proceeds from bad to worst at this point.  I get angry in my fight against White Nationalism because there are Americans who really believe that crap.

It is like these people are afraid of any change so any change is evil to them.  They want America to go back to the 50’s, but one can not turn back the clock of time.  We are living in 2009.  As much as I may not like getting older and seeing the changes in my body I accept the fact that I have gray in my hair.  As much as I would like to be 17 again and spending part of the Summer on Cape Cod I can’t go back and either can America go back in time to 1958.

We can only move forward in life and learn to accept the changes.  I think America like all of us have to move forward as a nation and make the best out of each new chapter that comes along. Each generation of Americans should have a chance make their own mark on this country.  Why do you White Nationalists want to insist that things have to be as they were in the 50’s?  Most Americans don’t want to be in a 1950’s time warp. Look, I like the 50’s as much as anyone else.  I was born in the 50’s and on year I dressed up in the pink satin skirt for a party once when it was 50’s theme..  I like the music of the 50’s too.  They had some great books and movies written during those years.  I just accept the fact that life moves forward and we can learn from the past and improve on the knowledge and invent and use technologies that they never dreamed of in the 50’s.

Each generation of Americans is different.  I am different than my mother who was different than her mother’s generation.  Some values never change and each generation still hold on to them, but why do future generations have to be stuck in this time warp of America that you White Nationalists want to keep us in?  Why are you so afraid of non whites being allowed freedom in this nation?  Why are some of you so afraid of women being allowed to have equal rights to men?  Why are you so afraid of science and developing renewable energy sources?

One claim made in this video is of course that out of all the abortions performed in this country the majority of them White babies.  You claim that the government is involved in an evil plot to have only White babies aborted.  Do you really believe that crap?  Yes, I call it crap.  You talk about the evils of abortion on your side, but You have not thought about the quality of life that children of White Nationalists are being born in.

Some White Nationalists say it doesn’t matter if you can’t afford to have children but pop out a new White baby every year. Some say we can go on welfare, but yet you condemn others who go on welfare.  You talk about how irresponsible other races are but you are being just as irresponsible.  Then you have the fact that children who are being born into that life will for the most part never have a chance to develop their own mind, because they will be brainwashed from day one the White Nationalist message and will be encouraged to join the fight to save your race and to try and gain political power around the world.  White Nationalists have to make sure that White males continue to be the masters and the rest of us must accept the roles and the place in society that you deem acceptable in your White Nationalist homeland.

I think it is important that we as a nation allow the younger generation their turn in finding out what defines them as a generation of Americans.  We don’t have to be afraid of change.  Change can be a good thing.  We may not like it at first, but in the end it just might be good for us.  I would hope that as a nation we know more now than in 1958.  I would hope in 2058 they will know more than 2009.  Knowledge is a good thing, and finding ways to move forward in developing all kinds of new technologies is a good thing.  We didn’t have computers in 1958 and look how the world depends on computers today.  Who knows what wonderful inventions will be made in the future.

At the Swimming Pool

February 27, 2009

I am going to try and make Writers group this week.  So I thought I would start working on a story.

At the Swimming Pool


Christine Cosser

This week when I was at the pool here at Oakwood.  I was in the hot tub and I met an interesting couple who were visting.  We started talking and since they were from California we talked about California of years past.

I was sharing with them how my father was sailor and had the dream of sailing his boat around the world.  He had a 40 foot boat and they would sail over to Catalina and he was a member of that yacht club.  This nice man said that he had a 44 foot boat that he was restoring and his dream was to sail around the world too.  I encouraged him not to wait to long or like my dad he may wake up one day and the dream passed him by.

We talked about the route and of  sailing to Hawaii first and then on to other romantic places in the South Pacific.  Even just the adventure of sailing to Hawaii and other South Pacific islands would be exciting.  Even if one didn’t make it all the way around the world, for me it would be great just to sail to one place you have always wanted to sail.

I don’t know if you can remember the movie High Society with Bing Crosby and Grace Kelly, but my parents when they got married for their honeymoon just got in the sailboat and sailed like they did in the movie.  While other woman want to go to fancy resorts, I just would be happy sailing.

Some of the best memories I have of my childhood are every Saturday my dad and I going to work on the boat and stopping for tacos on the way back.  I remember Marina Del Ray when it was still a natural and beautiful place before it got all built up.  The last time I was there I felt that it had changed so much that its natural beauty was gone.

Anyway, I hope this nice couple are able to sail around the world, or if not around the world to Hawaii and the South Pacific.

Double Standards

February 7, 2009

I am working on my piece for wrtiers group this Tuesday.

I  never have liked double standards.  Maybe that is why I have always been a rebel and have a hard time submitting to people who I feel use double standards, have stupid rules that no thinking person agrees with, or I feel are morally wrong.


This week in one of my Catholic Email groups we received an article that said that Catholic Bishops must refuse to give Holy Communion to Catholics who either are in  Government or who voted for those in government who support the woman’s right to choose.Yet at the same time, the Pope has reinstated a White  Nationalist Bishop who doesn’t believe in the Holoacaust, that thinks the Jews are in an evil plot to control the world, nor that women should be allowed to play an active role in the church.  He would want to erase the good things that Vatican 2 brought to the church.


The Pope said he reinstated this White Nationalist Bishop who the White Nationalist Catholics are proclaiming a hero for the good of bringing the church together, but at the same time he is coming down hard on Liberal Catholics who believe that there are other issues besides abortion to vote on.  Some of us believe that being a good Catholic includes following the Social gospels of Jesus by helping the poor, sick, and hurting. To stand for love, justice and mercy is following in the footsteps of our Lord.


So I feel that there is a double standard because White Nationalist Catholics who believe the Jewish People are in a plot to take over the world are welcomed back into the church with open arms and those of us who are Liberal and believe in moving the church forward are being condemned and denied Holy Communion because we didn’t vote for the Pro-Life Republican is I think a double standard and leaves a terrible taste in my mouth.


Now I have to ask myself as a Catholic what do I do?  Do I shut my mouth and be silent and be a good little robot?  Do I speak up and say as a Catholic I do not believe in the direction  that the church is heading and I fear for the future of my church? I know the other side might say that I am being disloyal to the Pope and my church because I question the direction the church is moving by speaking out about the double standards I see going on within the church.


The rebel in me says to fight and to stand up for what I believe is morally right and to not just submit and be a good little robot who will vote the way the Church tells me to vote.

Another scary Thing is that the hate of this Bishop has been spreading.  I have had good trad. Catholics tell me that the Bishop is right. Yet, they are happy that us Liberal Catholics are being denied Holy Communion for daring to vote for someone who is pro-choice.  It is like they can’t wait to throw us out of the church while bringing in the ultra right who deny the Holoacaust. 


It reminds me of the story in the Bible that Jesus said in the last days they will throw you out of the church and think they are doing it in God’s name.  I just can’t believe that Jesus only cares about the issue of abortion and if you are a Catholic you can’t put other issues such as torture, the environment, or ending poverty, that we are evil and deserve to be denied Holy Communion and people cheer as we are thrown out of the church?  Yet, a White Nationalist Bishop and his followers are cheered for speaking hate.  I feel like I am in the twilight zone and not in the Catholic Church that I grew up in.  I like Vatican 2 and I don’t want to go backwards in time.  I want to move forward as a church into the 21st century.


I am a deep thinker.   I just wonder if  there is a place in the church for those of us who the church deems are not political correct in our thinking that there has to be a seperation between church and state.  Who can’t accept the double standards that are in the church today.


I am sure I will work this through in time.  I just don’t know if I can be active in a church who approves of White Nationalist Bishops and condemnes Catholics who are Progressive in thinking as evil sinners who must be denied Holy Communion.


My Yahoo Account

January 31, 2009

I thought I would write my piece for writers group this week on my email account being hijacked.  It is not political nor religious.

My Yahoo Account


Christine Cosser

Do you ever feel like you are a stupid idiot?  I know I do.  Sometimes I feel like I am the stupidest person on the face of earth, lol.

This week I had my yahoo email account hijacked and mail was sent to people in my address book asking for money to be sent to England.  I was fooled to think that an email sent to me was from an official from Yahoo who needed my personal information.  I know really dumb.

I heard about how dumb I was.  The thing is I am a really trusting person.  I like to see the good in people and I have a hard time seeing that some people are evil and do evil things.  I have always needed a protector my whole life, and I guess I still do.  Someone I can talk to about things and not be made to feel like a total idiot for asking their opinions on people and things.  Because I am so trusting I am always getting myself in trouble which has led to situations that have caused bad things to happen to me.

Anyway, let this be a warning to all of you to never trust anyone on the internet that is sending you email asking for personal info.  The criminals are really good and making the email look legal.  I have even received mail claiming to be from the FBI asking for personal info.  It looked real too. I got really upset over the FBI one thinking that they were going to come and arrest me any minute if I didn’t give the information they asked for.  Why do people have to scare people to get them to do things?

The lesson I learned is not send anyone personal info and if I have my doubts on if it is a spam email I will ask someone first.  Though I really don’t have anyone to ask, but I will try to not be fooled again. It was a really big deal having one’s id stolen and people committing crimes with your id name.  I would hate for this to happen to you.

Just today in one my Catholic Email groups, they were talking about how in Canada they are having trouble with spam up there and to warn people about a certain spam mail that was going around.  It is really sad that we have to be careful and not let our guard down for one minute.

The True President

January 24, 2009

I guess I better start my writing for Writer’s group.  I haven’t started yet.

I don’t know if I will use the two words for the week, as something has happen that I want to comment about, but at the same time we are discouraged from talking about politics.  That gets hard sometimes, because I love the political side of things.

Well here goes:

The True President
Christine Cosser
Last Tuesday Americans watched as President Obama became the 44th President of the United States.  I don’t think I was the only American who had tears in their eyes.  We all had our reasons for being emotional as we watched the swearing in of our new President.
Yet while many Americans are happy and rejoicing at the new direction that this nation will move forward under President Obama, we have other Americans who are hoping he will fail, who have the nerve to write and give their own speech as so called President of the United States.  Yes, David Duke had the nerve to speak as he had defeated President Obama and that he David Duke was President.
It got me thinking of if he was trying to be the 21st century Jefferson Davis and as I have seen some people on the Right Wing and White Nationalists camps say Obama is not their President; than in their own little delusional minds is David Duke their president?  This is not the first time David Duke has written and spoken like he is the President after an election.  Is he the President of the White Nationalist crowd?
I know David Duke dreams of being President, as he has ran for office and he has the nerve to write/ and speak to the American People like he has defeated the true President of this country.  He hasn’t given up that dream or hope.  He is smart and sly.  He has some plan up his sleeves, and that is why I believe we can’t just write him off as some crazy guy who is pretending to be President of the United States.
Let me make this very clear to those who do not consider President Obama their true President, but who look to David Duke as the true President of their White Homeland; we only have one President of the United States.  His name is President Obama.  HE is all of our President.
It is President Obama who will speak for our nation and not David Duke.  It is President Obama who makes the decisions what our foreign policy is not David Duke. It is President Obama who gets the song ” Hail to the Chief” played to him when he walks into a room and not David Duke.
I can only speak for me as one American, but I will fight with everything inside of me to make sure that David Duke does not become President of the United States or hold any position of power in this country.  I know he dreams of the United States breaking apart and somehow he will grab power.  He isn’t so stupid as to actually think that the American people would vote him into power in a fair election, so he has another plan up his sleeve.
When people get elected to the Congress they take an oath that they will defend the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.  When I was active in the Daughters of the American Revolution we took too vowed to protect this country.  Maybe that is why I fight the way I do.  I consider anyone who would speak to the American people and to the world as the President of the United States when he isn’t is a dangerous person.  The red flags spark my interest and I want to find out more of what that person is really up too.
I have met David Duke and he doesn’t strike me as a crazy loon to just write off.  I can’t totally put my finger on who and what David Duke’s game plan is but something smells fishy and I don’t believe that he has the best interest of the United States in his heart, but his own plan of building a White Homeland where he is President and in charge.
Anyway, I think it is important to stand up against those people who by their actions lead one to believe that they might actually be planning something to hurt this country.