Save Endangered Species in Malaysia from Unnecessary Logging!

Save Endangered Species in Malaysia from Unnecessary Logging!

Target: Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib, Prime Minister of Malaysia
Sponsored by: Care2

In the region of Terengganu, Malaysia, a stretch of forest filled with endangered wildlife is disappearing. In preparation for a new hydroelectric project, the Terengganu state government is logging and then flooding the forest. But here’s the twist: They are logging three times more land than is needed.

As this valuable forest disappears, so will many species that inhabit the area, such as the endangered Sumatran rhinoceros and the Malayan tiger. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has deemed 94 plant and animal species in the region threatened by extinction. In the face of reckless logging, these species have little hope of survival.

Urge the Malaysian prime minister to protect the wildlife and stop the unnecessary logging of the high-value forest in the Terengganu region.

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