Earth Hour 2009

I don’t think this is political, but more currant affairs.  I know they didn’t like me mentioning Rush, so we will see how they feel about Bruce Jacobs.  I don’t want to cause trouble, but I should be able to read the things I write.  We shall see what happens today.

Earth Hour 2009

By Christine Cosser

March 31, 2009

Last Saturday I turned off my lights and reduced my energy use like I hope many people around the world did.  Bruce Jacobs on the Friday morning show asked people to ruin Earth Hour in the Phoenix area and to increase the use of energy for that hour. 

On today’s show Bruce bragged and thanked his listeners for ruining Earth Hour.  While he was happy, I am sad that so many people in my area decided to ruin Earth Hour here in the Phoenix area.  I also find it sad a leading  talk radio host would be part of misinforming people about the reality of climate change.

Not to long ago I heard of a poll that stated that a lot of Americans do not believe Climate Change is real. Why? I believe that part of the reason  is because we have to many Bruce Jacobs that deny that Climate change is real and continue to tell their listeners that climate change is a hoax.

I have been thinking about about ways we can improve the amount of people who turn off their lights for one hour.  This year I know I personally didn’t hear about Earth Hour until Bruce Jacobs called for his listeners to protest.  This year is over with, but next year if we get the word out ahead of time, than maybe we have time to counteract the influence that Bruce Jacobs has in ruining it.  We can be active in educating people to the importance of acting now to curb climate change.  I like the concept of Earth Hour and would love to help make next year a success.

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