Protect the Habitat of Endangered Beluga Whales NOW!

Target: James Balsiger, NOAA Acting Assistant Administrator
Sponsored by: Ocean River Institute

On October 17, NOAA’s Fisheries Service determined that the Cook Inlet beluga whales would be listed under the Endangered Species Act. This is a great victory for these irreplaceable creatures!

This success is, however, bittersweet – the whales are still an endangered species, and we need to do everything we can to protect their habitat. With their numbers having fallen steadily since 1979 to only 302 whales today, the beluga is in danger of extinction throughout its range in Alaska!

Join us in urging NMFS to follow through on their proposal to designate critical habitat for the Cook Inlet beluga whale now that it is an endangered species. Only by addressing troubled waters in Cook Inlet can beluga whales recover and thrive once again.

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