The Myth of Mountaintop Removal Mining

Published on Sunday, August 21, 2011 by The Guardian/UK

The Myth of Mountaintop Removal Mining

Big Coal says it’s a tough choice: we can have prosperity and jobs or a pristine environment, but not both. That’s a Big Lie

CNN correspondent Soledad O’Brien’s recent piece on mountaintop removal (MTR) in the Appalachian mountains has the troubling title, “Steady job or healthy environment: what [sic] would you choose?”

How about we choose both?

In any case, MTR does not, despite industry claims, deliver employment to offset its environmental damage. It’s simply a win-win for Big Coal and its political supporters, and a lose-lose for ordinary people who live in mining areas. Whatever the industry would have you believe, basing an economy on coal is not a sustainable development plan. A study by the Appalachian Regional Commission noted the effects of mining on employment in Central Appalachia:

“As employment in Central Appalachia’s mining sector has declined over time…many counties that were already typically experiencing relatively poor and tenuous economic circumstances…have been unable to successfully adapt to changing economic conditions.”

Michael Hendryx and Melissa M Ahern found similar results when they investigated the region: “The heaviest coal mining areas of Appalachia had the poorest socio-economic conditions.”

In addition to the negative impact on employment, mountaintop removal has terrible effects on the land. Rob Goodwin of Coal River Mountain Watch recently said of the land around Southern Appalachia:

“Southern Appalachia is unique. Because there were no glaciers here, the topsoil is some of the oldest in the world and that’s why there are ramps, ginseng and molly moochers [morels], among other valuable species. What you are doing here on this mine site is destroying the 10,000-year-old species that, regardless of what you do, will not grow back.”

The health toll is also steep, as several academic studies have indicated. This week, West Virginia’s junior senator, Joe Manchin, was bashing the EPA at a constituent breakfast in Huntington. The Senate now has before it the House plan, the so-called Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011 (HR 2018), which would restrict the EPA’s ability to veto permits issued by the Army Corps of Engineers. Janet Keating, executive director of Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, attended and referred Manchin to what he’d said on CNN, that there is no clear evidence of human health impacts from MTR. She then handed him copies of the 18 studies showing or suggesting health impacts. Manchin told Keating that at the time the CNN show was taped, these studies were not available.

Huh? I had copies of those studies. Surely a US Senator and former governor has as much access to published information as I do?

The health and economic problems caused by coal may explain why we’re not buying the attacks on the EPA. A majority of voters in four Appalachian states want their water protected and disapprove of mountaintop mining. The same day Manchin was in Huntington, Lake Research Partners and Bellwether Research & Consulting released the results (pdf) of a poll commissioned by Appalachian Mountain Advocates, Earthjustice and the Sierra Club. Of 1,315 people interviewed in Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee and Virginia, “Three-quarters support fully enforcing – and even increasing protections in – the Clean Water Act to safeguard streams, rivers and lakes in their states from mountaintop removal coal mining … Just 8% of voters oppose it. Support for this proposal is far-reaching, encompassing solid majorities of Democrats (86%), independents (76%), Republicans (71%) and Tea Party supporters (67%).”

The reaction to the poll from Jason Hayes, the communications director for the American Coal Council?

“They’re doing a numbers job. They need to frighten people. They need more membership dollars … It’s all very frightening if you don’t understand what’s going on.”

What’s going in is that this is an industry that spends money for fancy websites to “dispel myths” – for instance, by telling you that “reclamation” returns the mountainsides to their original state. For a more typical picture of reclamation, you might want to check out the PBS film “Razing Appalachia”. And speaking of coal dollars, they appear to be benefiting our local politicians, including Manchin. As Manuel Quinones and Elana Schor pointed out:

“Senator Joe Manchin (Democrat, West Virginia) is more than just a supporter of his state’s influential coal producers – he’s a full-fledged industry insider. On his financial disclosures for 2009 and 2010, Manchin reported significant earnings from Enersystems Inc, a coal brokerage that he helped run before his political star rose. In the 19 months before winning his Senate seat in a hard-fought special election, Manchin reported operating income of $1,363,916 from Enersystems. His next disclosure showed $417,255 in Enersystems income.”

Of course, Manchin says his investments are in a blind trust, but do you think he doesn’t know that what’s good for the coal industry is good for Joe Manchin? As filmmaker Mari-Lynn Evans has said of the CNN programme referred to by Keating:

“Mountain top removal mining is not an issue of jobs v the environment. It is an issue of corporate profits and corrupt politicians v the health and safety of human beings living under MTR sites in Appalachia. WVU scientists estimate over 11,000 people die in Appalachia each year because of coal. MTR mining provides less than 4,000 direct MTR jobs in West Virginia. Does that mean, for every MTR job, we must accept that those jobs will cost each of us the lives of two or three of our friends and loved ones? This is jobs v genocide. If you don’t understand that, then you don’t understand the story.”

And the rest of us are paying, too, if not to the same extent. Air and water pollution travel past the immediate region. Social costs to the environment and health are not payed by the coal industry, and thus artificially lower the cost of coal energy and encourage its consumption. As economists Todd L Cherry of Appalacian State University and Jason Shogrenb of the Univisty of Wyoming pointed out in a 2002 study (pdf) (before the devastation of mountaintop removal had reached its current levels):

“Coal is by far the most under-priced energy resource: the price per ton of coal was about $30, but the external costs are nearly $160. Also including climate change risks, the external costs would be about $190 per ton.”

And prices are further lowered by vast subsidies (pdf). And think of the opportunity costs forgone to develop cleaner energy. Interestingly, another full-fledged insider, Dick Kelly, who is retiring as chief executive officer of Exel Energy, told journalist Don Selby:

“We’ve got to get off fossil fuels … The quicker the better. All [that some members of Congress] are worried about is the next two or six years when they run for re-election. They just keep kicking the can down the road … I don’t know how they can deny the science. I really don’t … I think one of the misconceptions is that many people believe that wind is just outrageously expensive. Truth is, wind power competes very well with natural gas. The technology is getting better. We are getting a lot more kilowatts out of our windmills now. Even solar has come down 50% in the last two years … I’d be OK if there were never any more coal.”

How long will our politicans favour the coal industry with subsidies and lax safety and health regulations? Consider the cost of this choice – in lives, health and damage to the air we breath, the water we drink and the land that provides us with nourishment and recreation. Wouldn’t it be better for them to enact polices that support efficiency, conservation and alternative energy sources with a lower environmental impact, such as wind, solar and geothermal?

That way, we might actually get steady jobs and a healthy environment.

© Guardian News and Media Limited 2011



Beth Wellington is a poet, journalist and activist living in Virginia. The Writing Corner, her blog on politics and culture, gets great notices at Beth serves as an adviser to the online project CoalSwarm and writes on federal legislation for Law Librarian Reference Exchange. A member of the Southern Appalachian Writers Co-op, her poems have appeared in anthologies and a variety of literary magazines

1 Comment »

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    chrisy58 Says:

    I hope my readers find this article as informative as I did. One of the important issues for me is ending this practice of mountaintop removal mining. The environment and being a good caregiver of the planet and all of God’s creation, I feel, is one of my duties as a Catholic woman. We should love and respect our our planet, and not just destroy it for profit and greed. If we love God then we will want to honor and do right by all his creation.

    When I read the Bible and other Christian readings, the message is very clear, that one is to be a good caregiver of the earth and our resources and not destroy the earth and our resources for greed or money. If we continue to all the practice of destroying the natural resources we have, then we will end up with a wasteland. That wasteland will be the reward of our sins of putting money before be good caregives of the planet as God commands us to be.

    I know that some Conservatives have a hard time understanding why fighting for the environment is so important to me. They make jokes about people who believe that we must stop the insanity of mountaintop removal mining and other actions from destroying the beauty of God’s creation. They don’t understand the spiritual ties one has when being in nature, that some of us feel closer to God when we are out in nature and enjoying God’s beauty. I don’t worship Nature as my God, but God is in the nature and it teaches me lessons that God wants me to understand.

    I oppose nuclear energy because it isn’t safe. Nuclear energy is the worst. I know others disagree with me and believe nuclear energy is a clean and safe energy source. I will never believe that Nuclear power is the way to go.

    I feel that both sides demigod the issue for their own gain. That there is no honest debate about renewable energy sources being used more and developed. We do need to upgrade our electrical grind. The government is broke, but if private companies have the money and they pool their resources they might be able to update the grind. That would mean that the government would be out of it, and it would be part of the private sector. Think of the jobs created if the private sector was free to upgrade the grind, explore and find new engery sources and free to process those energy sources so that we the people have the energy we need.

    The Left would never agree as they don’t believe in the private sector but only believe in the government in control of every aspect of our lives. It is not the government who makes jobs but the private sector.

    The right would never agree give up their profits, by stoping mountaintop removal mining and admit that sometimes they take dangerous risks just to get that last drop of coal or oil out of the ground.

    yes, our climate is changing. In the AZ paper this morning, they had an article about this Aug being the hottest on record. Every year it gets hotter and hotter and in the winter we get a couple of weeks of colder then ever. The Left like to paint Conservatives who don’t believe in man made climate change as flat earthers. The right makes fun of those who believe that climate change is real and lump us all together as thinking man is to blame. We need real discussion on this issue and not the generalizing and demigoding we see from both sides.

    Climate change is real. I don’t believe man is the cause, but that the Sun is in a hotter period and with the Sun spots it is making the planet hotter. It doesn’t matter to me if the climate change is because of the Sun and sun spots or if man has a part in it; what does matter however, is if we can put aside our personal feelings and our disagreement on political issues and work together to find solutions. We have a problem, now is not the time to fight over the cause, but to work together to find a solution.

    The environmentalists who call to break the LAW are wrong. Non violent protest is what is needed. Breaking the LAW and VANDALIZING other’s property is not the way to win people to our side. Yes, we need to start weeding out those who really are fighting to save the environment and those who feel that violence and breaking the law is the right way to go. Two wrongs never make a right and the end doesn’t justify the means. We must always have the courage to choose right over wrong.

    Some like to bring the UNION into the environmental equation, which is wrong. The Union has NOTHING to do with the environment. I fight for the environment and not some rich, corrupted union. The union has become nothing but thugs who terrorize non union workers. If the UNION is part of the issue then I stay out of it. If it is just for the environment and not turned into being UNION supporters, then I am part of it. I don’t believe in demigoding the issues to score points for your personal political view or the view of your politial party. The political party has become more important then what is best for the nation. Both Democrats and Republcians lie. Both are corrupted and take large sums of money. The union gives lots of money to the dems. and corporations give lots of money to the Republicans.

    The left is wrong to make it sound like every Conservative is a flat earther who wants to destroy the environment. That is a generalization that is not true. There are many of us who feel it is our Christian duty to be good caregivers of the earth, because God commands it. We just don’t want to play the political game that is being played by those in both parties.

    Going to be 112 today and 115 tomorrow. I so much want to leave AZ.

    Love and blessings to all.


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