Protect Our Public Lands and Wildlife

Protect Our Public Lands and Wildlife

Target: U.S. Congress
Sponsored by: Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

The U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) administer 449 million acres of magnificent landscapes and diverse ecosystems. These public lands support an incredible array of fish, wildlife and plants – including the American marten (pictured).

But forest dwellers like martens and other wildlife are threatened by unbalanced management of our public lands. Population growth, poorly planned energy exploration and production and a changing climate are placing a strain on our public lands as well as the fish and wildlife that depend on a safe and sustainable habitat to survive.

Americans and our wildlife depend on important resources from our public lands – such as clean air and water, recreational opportunities and other benefits. Fortunately, America’s Wildlife Heritage Act (H.R. 2807) would provide a common sense, science-based solution to restore balance on these public lands.

Help protect our public lands and wildlife. Please send a letter to Congress today – and encourage your Representative to cosponsor America’s Wildlife Heritage Act.

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