VNN/Racial Holy War and Deportation

I found this thread on VNN and found it very interesting.  I wanted to comment so I am posting it here.



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Default Racial Holy War and Deportation

Considering the amount of anti white rallies, marches, crimes, and events, I believe that a racial holy war will inevitably take place in the United States. Soaring non white crime, non white immigration, and racial mixing are all just tools that are being used against white people to inevitably destroy us once and for all. The biggest problem however is white indifference to wards these issues. White people live in fear and have become complacent to just live as best they can without offending anyone by standing up for their race. This mindset has allowed our enemies to take control of us despite the fact that we are still overwhelmingly the majority in the United States.

The question that I would pose to white people who think I am crazy for such a belief is, “what is your solution”? How would you like to stop white women from being raped at an astronomically high rate by Negroes? How would you like to put an end to the non white crime that plagues this country? How many white people are tired of seeing their towns and cities that were once great places to raise a family turned into a cesspool of true diversity and multiculturalism? How many white people are tired of not getting jobs because they have to make room for incapable, less intelligent non whites? Most importantly, how much longer do you intend to not do anything about it?

Obviously once this race war is over, we will have to decide what to do with the losers(non whites). I believe that the only solution is to deport them all to their countries of origin. The question I ask to the white people who think that I am crazy for advocating this is, what would this country be like if slaves had never been shipped over here? What would this country be like if non whites were never allowed to immigrate here? I think we all know the answer. We would not be totally crime free and there would still be problems but it would no doubt feel like a utopia compared to what we have now.

The main thing that white people need to get over is the idea that we will be able to vote our way out of this problem. Trying to elect the right candidates has not worked thus far so why should anyone believe it will work someday? Both major parties have done nothing but cater to and appease non whites while ignoring and neglecting the race of people who made this country great. We can’t look to our elected officials to do anything to protect our children and families. The only solution is a revolution.


One problem I see with White Nationalists is that they turn everything into a racial problem.  They blame every single problem this country is facing on Non Whites, Jews, Women, or anyone else.  Instead of trying to find the reasons why things are happening so that we can work together as a country to deal with them, you spend all this time and energy blaming others.

I am just one American but I am willing to fight for what I think is the moral thing to do and that is saving this nation.  I think other Americans are willing to fight too.  Yes, there are bad things that have been happening and some of them are downright evil, the way that our Constitution has been ignored by those in power.  I can assure we the people (which includes Americans of all different races, religions, and includes both men and women ) are going to start fighting back.

We are angry that our Constitution has been allowed to be discarded and evil men in power have committed war crimes such as torture, that greed has been allowed to go unchecked and our environment is being destroyed for that greed.  I believe we will reach the point where we as honorable Americans can stand back and be silent anymore, but will join the fight against all that would want to destroy America and the values that this country was founded on.

My solution to girls/women being raped is to punish those who rape them.  It isn’t only non whites who rape, but Whites too.  My rapists were White.  Many times justice doesn’t get done anymore in this country and crime victims are left feeling angry because the people who commit the crimes get away with it.  While  the victim continues to suffer the pain.  We need to work on our criminal justice system and put the people in prison that broke the Laws and release those who are not guilty of any crimes.

It seems like some people feel that we need another American Revolution.  We even have a woman Congresswoman from MN who is talking about taking up arms and fighting a new Revolution.  She is Republican so I would say there are Republicans who share your views.  How many White Nationalists are Republicans who are undercover in the party?  I know in 2004 Euro we talked about how to be active in the Republican party. 

I just don’t think it helps solve the problems that this country is facing and the hard times coming down the pike to turn it into a racial battle.  Many these Non Whites you want to send to another country  were born here in America. They are American and have only lived in America.  Do you think that sending a Black person to Africa who was born in America and his family has lived here for generations is going to help the economy recover?  Do you really think that deporting Americans to another country because you don’t like the color of their skin is going to help make America a better place?  Do you think deporting all Jewish people to Israel is the American way?  I know you think in your own little minds that America was founded by White people only for White people, but that is just a White Nationalist lie.

I just can’t buy your White Nationalism is the only hope for America to solve our problems.   Sorry, I believe that the answer is working together as one country and moving into the future and not looking backward.  That is why I like the Progressive message, because I think it is a message of the future.

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First of all you have to understand that the masses of Whites see these same things and it is a source of irritation that they have accepted as “a necessary evil.” They are bribed and threatened into complacence, and they “don’t allow themselves to think those ‘evil’ thoughts” that maybe multiculturalism isn’t a good thing.

So if you want to be a serious WN activist, you have to use terms and vocabularies of ordinary people, that will develop rapport with them. “Racial holy war” is the sort of term that will make ordinary white people see you as a dangerous lunatic and a fringe character.

White Americans have lost their “normal” because it’s been destroyed and replaced with a pathologically evil “normal.”

What we need to do is create a healthy “normal” again, and help White people find their way out of this spiritual and intellectual wilderness. To do this we have to set an example, and we have to appear credible and “normal” (what’s left of normal) to them.

But it sounds like you need to calm down, and be a bit more hopeful. Look Ryan, if it helps, the US economy which supports multiculturalism, is collapsing. Ergo, multiculturalism is collapsing with it, though this is not yet obvious to the masses. I have always seen things a few years ahead of time. Old timers around here remember when I used to be the VNN Forum’s very own “Chicken Little,” saying back in 2004 that the price of oil is going to go way up and the economy is going to collapse. Come 2008, oil is 147 a barrel, and people said, “Well, maybe Kievsky had a point after all.” Then the stock market tanked and the price of oil went back down thanks to demand destruction and oil contract deleveraging. The possibility of collapse doesn’t seem so crazy now, as it did in 2004.

Multiculturalism is a high energy demand, highly entropic, and unsustainable system. I don’t believe that it was done with a long term plan in mind. I believe multiculturalism was designed so jews would have the satisfaction of farting in our faces and making most of us (the lemmings) pretend that it smells like roses. The VNN’ers and Stormfronters are the ones saying, “That doesn’t smell like flowers, that smells like a rotten egg fart of some obese, evil jew! and look the jew laughs as he farts in our faces and picks our pockets!”

Multiculturalism and economic collapse is going to lead to massive economic, cultural and political collapse, and it’s going to be discredited for the long term. I believe this will happen in our lifetime.

I understand what your plan is in trying to get White people to accept your message.  My question to you is, ok you dress up White Nationalism behind a mask of being American patriots who love their country and in order to save America turn America into an all White Nation.  Instead of quoting Hitler you start to quote Thomas Jefferson.  Instead of using the symbols you have used for years you start using Celtic symbols and American symbols like the American flag.  Your message is still the same, but you tone it down so that mainstream conservatives will join you.

I know you think you will slowly educate them to overlook the racism that you have in your White Nationalist message, because they will see things through White Nationalist colored glasses.  Slowly and slowly like a frog being cooked on the stove that doesn’t know he is being cooked because the heat is turned up slowly, you will have re-educated them to accept the hate that is spewing in your message.

Tell me what happens when those who have been slowly programmed to believe your message start to wake up and realized they have been brainwashed to believe a lie?  Do you think they may join the other side and start fighting you?  Your message is a lie.  It is not truth.  At some point the people wake up and their real person starts to come out again.  They awaken from the nightmare that is White Nationalism and they find their way home to the real person they are inside.  Instead of being stuck in la la land, they find their way back to the real world.  Most of you White Nationalists live in la la land.

Yes, you use fear to get people to join you.  Make someone else the bogie man that has to be fought.  You tell them it is the Jews fault or it is the Black man’s fault that we are in an economic depression and that they are suffering.  That is how Hitler was able to gain power.  He blamed all of Germany Economic problems and social problems on the Jewish people.  He fooled people into thinking that he had the answer and that he would bring them paradise. That is why I don’t take you White Nationalists for granted.

You are a real threat to this country, because your message in times of economic struggles plays and when people are hurting and suffering and worrying about where their next meal is going to come from, or having a roof over their head, will reach for any promise of a better day, even if it means embracing White Nationalism.  So like in Germany they believed the lie of Hitler, we could have in America people believing the lie of white nationalism.

I believe though that in the end your message of White Nationalism will be defeated.  I believe that Americans will stand up to you and say NO, we are not going to allow you to gain political power in this country, and I also believe that we as Americans will not allow you to deport Americans who were born here just because they are non white or Jewish. 

There is coming a time, when I believe true American Patriots will stand up to your hate and evil and that in the end good will overcome evil, and America will once again be a nation of light to the rest of the world. Where once again truth, justice, and freedom mean something again in this country.  Where as our founding fathers brought hope, that we too as Americans will bring hope that good people will not tolerate evil in our midst and we will defeat the darkness that you have already brought and want to continue to bring to the world and this country.


  1. 1
    Kievsky Says:


    Multiculturalism is a costly, high energy ideology. It doesn’t happen naturally. It is kept alive, like a Frankenstein’s monster, with constant infusions of money paying the salaries of tens of thousands of schoolteachers and other education bureaucrats, media workers, government enforcers of various stripes, sociology and “critical race theory” professors, civil rights attorneys, affirmative action officers, diversity coordinators, equal housing monitors, and so on. All to promote and enforce multiculturalism — billions in salaries! Billions!

    What happens when the country is too broke to pay for all of this? Multiculturalism is making us a poorer and more dysfunctional society, speeding the day when “civil rights officers” are getting paid in Weimar wheelbarrow bucks.

    Do you get it, Chrisy? I have zero plans on being “the next Hitler.” Whites will again become separate, sovereign, and independent from non-whites, but it’s going to happen as the natural course of things, because it is what’s natural. Race-mixing is unnatural, EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE and those who promote it are criminally insane. But that’s beside the point.

    Multiculturalism is the new Berlin Wall — it’s coming down!

  2. 2
    chrisy58 Says:

    Dear Kievsky,

    I read what you wrote and I commented. Just because I don’t happen to share your views doesn’t mean I am stupid or that I am wrong. It means I have a different opinion than you do. I think it is you who doesn’t get it.

    You White Nationalists have a faulty conception of what multi-culturism is. You seem to think that it is Jews/Liberals wanting to mix all races together into one race, so that what is left is only one race of people that is a combination of all the different races. If that was truly the goal of Liberals than we would loose the goal of Civil Rights of all races being able to live, work, and help build the communities that they live in.

    America is made up of many different races of people who live here. Each race should be given the same chance to achieve the so called American dream. Is it going to hurt you to live in the same community as a Mexican family who just imigrated here from Mexico? Is it going to hurt you to attend the same church and worship along side that same Mexican family who shares your same faith? At the same time as I respect their heritiage and culture, other races should respect my Celtic heritiage and culture. If another person of another race wants to come to the Celtic games to enjoy my culture I don’t have a problem with it. The same time if I want to go to something that is important to the Mexican family than I should be allowed to enjoy and learn about their culture without being made to feel guilty.

    Discrimation is morally wrong. Violating another American’s Civil Rights because of their race, religion, or gender is Wrong. Those Civil Rights people who you condemn are working to make sure that no American is discrimated against. Yes, their are White people who are discrimated against. I think of the case in CT of the fire fighters. Descrimation is WRONG period. There is still decrimation in this country.

    I have heard and read for years from White Nationalists that they can’t wait for the day our government fails and society is suffering and the people are fighting this race war that you dream of so you can build your White Nationalist government here in America out of the ashes. It isn’t going to happen. I say that because you White Nationalists are your own worst enemies. You fight within your own cause. You are not united, but divided. You have drama, drama, drama. Your cause is anti-women for the most part and the strong, smart women do not stay because they know that men will never accept women in real leadership positions.

    If you look at the leadership within your White Nationalist cause you have men who some of them are criminals, wife beaters, child molesters, and con man (who are not really in the Cause because they believe with their whole heart, but because they can make money off you White Nationalists by selling you a pie in the sky dream).

    True, you have a few good men, who truly believe in the cause, are good family men, who don’t lie and cheat, but they are not the ones who seem to end up in national leadership positions. Why is that? Why is it the ones who are National leaders in your Cause the ones who give your very Cause a BAD NAME?

    White Nationalists like to quote 14 words and say they are fighting for the future of White Children, but many of you deny Climate Change is real and I even had one WN post on another forum that he hope Global Warming was so bad that Jews suffered; yet not realizing that we live on one planet so if the Jews suffer because of the effects of climate change which we are beginning to see that all of us suffer(that includes the White race). The environment is not really important with you as a group. You would rather daydream about the day that out of the ashes of human suffering you will raise again and be masters of the world because you are White. When the full effects of Climate Change are being felt around the world and people are suffering part of those people who are suffering is going to be you.

    How will you build paradise in a planet that is suffering from all the years of men dumping all his toxic waste into the land, water, and air? If all the fish in the ocean are gone because the ocean has become to acid for ocean life as we know it to survive how will you feed yourselves? If the land is so toxic because of the chemicals that whatever food is grown makes you sick what will you eat? If the air you breath is filled with pollution and makes it hard for you to breath how will you live a good quality life that you daydream about.

    Yes, America and the rest of the world are self-destructing because we are starting to see the effects of all the years of our greed and selfishness are having on the planet.

    Not only are we self destructing on the environmental front but the economic front because of bad choices. We are not thinking about the future generations who will be left holding the bag, but only ourselves. Our problems around the world are not so much caused by racial problems but by not understanding that what we do today will effect what happens tomorrow.

    I think it is you who don’t get it. I will be the first one to admit that there is a lot I don’t know in the world, but I am trying to educate myself.

  3. 3
    Kievsky Says:

    You still missed my point.

    Multiculturalism/diversity/affirmative action are costly and wasteful social policies that will come to nothing good, and these policies have caused a lot of destruction. At best, they are a huge waste of money.

    The money is running out. There’s not going to be a race war, but Whites will once again get exclusive living spaces simply by attrition. Mother Nature bats last.

    BTW, I’m an environmentalist too.

    I came in to reply to your post to take a break from planting potatoes. Here’s a hint of what’s coming Chrisy. Hundreds of millions, if not billions, will die of starvation, disease, and civil unrest within 15 years. The survivors will inherit the earth. I think the “survivors” will be disproportionately White. Mother Nature doesn’t believe in affirmative action quotas .

  4. 4
    Fred Streed Says:


    First off, in response to your question about what White people will do when they “wake up” and realize we are “lying” to them. That is really quite simple. We don’t lie to them. We tell them the truth in order to counteract the lies they absorb every day. Our message IS a return to normalcy, in that it is the way most people have always thought and behaved throughout our existence. Hitler didn’t lie to his people. We don’t either. That is our strongest point, we have truth on our side. It is what makes us dangerous to the present powers that be.

    As for environmental issues, I have often made the point on VNN forum that the present jewish power structure is not only a threat to the White race, but they are a threat to ALL LIFE ON THIS PLANET. This is an issue that at it’s most fundamental level is an extension of our “pro-White” struggle. Environmental issues, particularly toxic wastes, will never be dealt with in any meaningful way by the current corporate capitalism that has a huge vested interest in maintaining the status quo. Sure, they will pay lip service to “greenie” issues and even use them as tools to effect social changes they desire, but they will never make the fundamental changes needed to ensure a healthy environment because their entire corporate existence is based on doing things that are NOT GOOD for Life as a whole. Have you ever really taken a good look at how destructive things we take for granted, such as our highway systems, really are to Nature? That is only one small, relatively easily corrected, example. What about nuclear wastes? Given the jews current yapping and wailing about what a threat Iran is do you really think they will hesitate to poison that entire area with radioactice fallout from the detonation of nuclear weapons in order to, ironically, prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons? Another example, do you think the present power structure, with it’s investment in “conventional” energy sources such as coal and petroleum products, is really going to put much effort into developing alternative sources of energy?

    Chrisy, I am in this struggle primarily because I do care about these issues. I AM an environmentalist, and I am honest enough to face the basic underlying problems and arrive at honest conclusions about what solutions will be workable and what MUST be done. I am not so much concerned about the present as the future. We all have a responsibility to the future.

  5. 5
    Aslan Maskhadov Says:

    Hello there Freeman, your reputation proceeds you. Can you demonstrate with facts how much “multiculturalism”(whatever that is exactly) and affirmative action have damaged US society? Because there are somewhere around 200 studies documenting the fact that affirmative action hirees work just as hard if not harder than their co-workers.

  6. 6
    Aslan Maskhadov Says:

    Streed, you claim that WNs don’t lie to people; that in itself is a lie. In fact, it is easily proven that Hitler lied to his people many times. There is a huge gap between what Hitler said in public and what he personally believed. While he was disallowing any negotiation with the allies up to his death, he was telling those around him that the war was lost, and that the German people deserved their destruction. He oversaw the propaganda that shielded Germans from the reality of defeats like Stalingrad, for another example.

    WN groups and leaders also lie constantly, and where they do not lie, they are simply wrong and don’t care to check.

  7. 7
    Kievsky Says:

    Great points, Fred.

    One of the biggest environmental threats is actually industrial petro-chemical agriculture. Runoff from fertilizer that goes down the Mississippi River created a huge dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico. There’s also a dead zone in Chesapeake Bay area from pig manure.

    The White nationalist movement nowadays puts most of it’s energy into preparing for the Greater Depression by strengthening our existing social networks, educating ourselves, and developing small scale, hand tool farming. That’s why you don’t hear about us much in the newspapers any more. We don’t bother with that stuff — we got better things to do, and the newspapers are going out of business anyway :–). The public will come around to us when they are good and ready. The “Tea Parties” were a good start though.

  8. 8
    chrisy58 Says:


    Thank you for your comment. You made a very good point about Hitler and his true feelings toward the end about the German people. It has been a long time since I read the book by Speer, but he talked about how Hitler had ordered him to destroy the infrastructure of Germany that was left as he wanted Germany to be destroyed, and when Speer tried to point out that German women and children would be killed who were hiding in the tunnels, Hitler replied that the German people deserved to be destroyed. Speer refused to carry out the orders.

  9. 9
    chrisy58 Says:

    “we got better things to do, and the newspapers are going out of business anyway :–). The public will come around to us when they are good and ready. The “Tea Parties” were a good start though.”Kievsky

    So you think it is a good thing that our Newspapers are failing. It actually is a very bad thing that newspapers and real journalists who investigate the truth of what is going on in the world and report it so that Americans can be informed and educated. I know you White Nationalists and Right Wing will be happy when all Americans only receive their news from White Nationalist media and talk radio as you can slowly brainwash them to believe as you do. Much like Hitler did with the German population. Yes, when the public is uneducated to the truth, you have a better chance of deceiving them with your message.

    The corporate news media will play right into your hands because they don’t report the real news either, so as more and more of the real sources for news are shut down it will be harder and harder for Americans to understand and learn the truth of what is really going on.

    I know Bruce Jacobs a talk show host in the Phoenix area celebrates whenever another paper is shut down. While I think it is a terrible thing you and others on the Right Wing/WN side are cheering and can’t wait until the day that the American people only will be able to hear the news from a Right Wing/WN perspective.

    While you are rejoicing with the thought of silencing the true Liberal voice in this country; I believe that there will be those who believe in a true free press and telling the American people the truth of about is going on in the world will find a way to start a citizens media. We already have Air America which in its own small way gives people another voice besides your Right Wing/WN media. Shows like Democracy Now who will be supported by the people will be there to take up some of the slack. We just may have underground media sources, but I believe the true Liberal voice will not be silenced when you White Nationalist/Right Wing continue to yearn for the day that every single newspaper in this country is shut down, so that you control all the media that Americans can listen to.

    I don’t think your plan to totally control the message and the news the American people hear will work. I would like to think that good always overcomes the bad in the world. Truth always overcomes the lies in the world. I haven’t given up the hope that these dark days in America will once again be overcome and a light will once again shine in this country and we will be the moral beacon that we once were in the world.

    We need a free press in this country to make those in government give an account of their actions. Remember Watergate. We don’t have that anymore, because it has been a corporate/Right Wing press who has silenced those reporters who want to tell the truth. A free press keeps the people informed and educated so that they can make choices based on knowledge and not ignorance. Yes, an ignorant people will believe your lies and they will fall into the trap and be brainwashed to believe as you do.

    People like to say that what happen in Germany when Hitler took power couldn never happen it here, but it can. When we only have one message that is being given to the American people because the free press has been silenced and only the message of those who control the message are being heard than yes, we could find ourselves living in a land that is not really the America that was founded on the principles of freedom. We will still have the name of America, but we will not really be America because the true spirit of this country will be gone.

  10. 10
    chrisy58 Says:


    You are one of the few White Nationalists I have talked to who believes in fighting for the environment and talking about renewable energy sources. Most of them just like to make jokes and say that once the White race is in control that it will all the sudden be heaven so they don’t have to worry about green issues.

    We have the technology to go green. We have the technology to use renewable sources such as solar and wind. We have the technology to go to electric cars. There are companies who are already have the technology and are just waiting to be built.

    We don’t need mountaintop removal mining that destroys whole mountain ranges, pollutes the water and changes forever the landscape of some of the most beautiful places in America. Mountaintop Removal mining is evil. The coal companies who are so powerful as to control members of this government to do their bidding are evil. By their greed they don’t care that they are destroying one of our national treasures or that the health of Americans is being effected by their actions. People who do care have been fighting them. The fight will continue. People are willing to be arrested to stop this practice of destroying the whole mountain.

    You say it is the Jews, but I say it is large Corporations. Do you know for a fact who sits on the boards of these coal companies who are destroying WV, VA,or TN with their mountaintop removal mining? I don’t think they are all Jewish people. If we had a free press maybe a true journalist could expose who these people are who sit on the boards of these coal companies that would be a good story. I would love to work on that story. I so much wish I could go to school and get a degree in journalism as that is the kind of story I would love to cover. Learning how to use my writing talent to expose the truth. I am sure journalism school would teach you where to look for information.

    I think you give the Jewish people more power than what they have. I think you are making a scapegoat out of them, because it is easier to have one monster to blame and fight against than to really look at the complex issues surrounding us.

    I will look into who actually sits on the board of those companies.

  11. 11
    chrisy58 Says:

    Here is the web site for massey coal

    About Us
    Massey Energy is the fourth largest coal company in the United States and the largest in Central Appalachia based on produced coal revenue. We have 2.3 billion tons of high quality coal reserves and in 2007 we produced and sold nearly 40 million tons of coal.
    Of course they didn’t say that the mountaintop removal mining is the method they use and is destroying one of the most beautiful places on earth.

    Here is the message from the President of the company. He doesn’t have a Jewish name.

    President’s Message
    The first three quarters of 2008 have comprised one of the most exciting and dynamic periods in the history of the coal industry. It has also been perhaps the most successful period of time for Massey to date.

    Strong results continued in the third quarter as new mines developed within our extensive expansion program made significant contributions to our production. Total tons produced in the third quarter increased by 8% year over year and we can expect production to increase further as these mines continue to ramp up and as new mines are added.

    Throughout the first nine months of the year we were able to leverage our high quality reserves and increased production to take advantage of the high demand for exports of both steam and metallurgical coal. Our tons exported increased by nearly 80 percent and our tons of metallurgical coal sold were up 20 percent.

    The end of the third quarter marked the one year anniversary since we announced our strategic expansion plans. In that time we have opened 15 new mines and added 7 new underground miner sections at existing mines.

    We have added the Inman resource group with a new processing plant that is expected to begin operating in December.

    We have added over 12 miles of new belt structure and a new loadout at our Mammoth resource group. We have disassembled, relocated and redeployed a large electric shovel at our Republic resource group to improve productivity and the work continues. Construction has begun on a new processing plant at Coalgood Energy in Harlan, KY and significant expansion projects are planned or underway at 11 of our 23 resource groups.

    Our expansion and quality reserve base have positioned our company to take advantage of a strong global coal market. However, if the current economic conditions continue and cause the coal markets to weaken, our cost advantages, market diversity and strong balance sheet position us to be able to thrive in a weaker market wherein we would expect to take advantage of potential acquisition opportunities.

    In summary, our expansion work is on track and is yielding positive results, our operating results for the first 9 months of the year have been on a record pace and, in spite of economic uncertainty that has negatively impacted coal prices, we are well positioned to continue our plans for growth and to generate enhanced shareholder returns in the quarters to follow.

    Thank you for your continuing support.

    Baxtor Phillips

    Phillips is not a Jewish name. His picture is there and he looks White to me. So far your theory about it being Jewish isn’t ringing true, but I have only begun my research. Massey Coal is one of the biggest and most powerful coal companies. So if your right in the Jews being to blame for all the evil that is coming down upon us than Massey would be controlled by Jews.

  12. 12
    chrisy58 Says:

    Here is the history of Massey coal.

    Company History
    1920 – A.T. Massey Coal Company, Inc. (ATM) was originally incorporated in Richmond, Virginia as a coal brokering business with A.T. Massey as its first president.

    1945 – A.T. Massey acquired its first mining operation and expanded its business to include coal mining and processing. In that same year, Evan Massey became President of the company.

    1962 – William E. Massey was appointed president of A.T. Massey.

    1972 – E. Morgan Massey was appointed president of A.T. Massey and over the next several years, the company underwent a series of changes in structure and ownership.

    1974 – St. Joe Minerals acquired a majority interest in A.T. Massey.

    1980 – Royal Dutch Shell and St. Joe Minerals formed the Massey Coal Partnership.

    1981 – St. Joe Minerals was acquired by Fluor Corporation.

    1987 – Massey Coal Partnership was reorganized into A.T. Massey Coal Company, a wholly owned mining subsidiary of Fluor Corporation. Under this structure, a period of significant growth and acquisition was initiated.

    1989 – Vantage Mining property was acquired from Pittston.

    1991 – Big Creek properties were acquired from Island Creek and Long Fork Coal Company was established.

    1992 – Don Blankenship was appointed Chairman and CEO of A.T. Massey Coal Company. Under Blankenship’s direction and leadership, the period of growth continued and accelerated with several acquisitions taking place and a number of mining subsidiaries being established.

    2000 – A.T. Massey completed a reverse spin-off from Fluor Corporation. The separation created the “new”Fluor Corporation which retained all non coal-related businesses and Fluor Corporation, which retained the Company’s coal-related businesses and was subsequently renamed Massey Energy Company.

    2001 – Massey announced an agreement to design, construct and operate a coal handling facility for Eastman Chemical’s plant in Kingsport, TN.

    2002 – Massey acquired the assets of Pittston Coal Company’s Holston mining operations.

    2003 – Massey acquired 30 million tons of surface reserves and established Republic Energy Company.

    2004 – Massey purchased approximately 36 million tons of reserves controlled by Horizon Natural Resources Company near Cannelton, West Virginia. The property is now operated as Massey’s Mammoth Coal operation; Also, Massey entered into a joint venture with Penn Virginia Resource Partners to build and operate coal handling facilities.

    2007 – Massey announced a strategic alliance with an agreement with Essar Mineral Resources Ltd., a member of Essar Group of India, to jointly evaluate and develop select business opportunities on a project-by-project basis. The initial focus of the new partnership will be the development of coal reserves, coke ovens and a coal preparation plant to support an electric power plant to be constructed in India by Essar.

    Later this year, Massey announced plans to aggressively expand its operations in Central Appalachia. Several new mines are scheduled to be opened and existing mines are being expanded through projects beginning in 2007 and continuing through 2009. Total coal production is planned to increase from approximately 40 million tons in 2007 to approximately 50 million tons in 2010.

    Today, Massey produces, processes, and sells bituminous coal of steam and metallurgical grades, primarily of low sulfur content, through its 22 processing and shipping centers, called “resource groups,”many of which receive coal from multiple coal mines. Massey currently operates 35 underground mines and 12 surface mines in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Virginia.

    Don Blankenship doesn’t sound like a Jewish name either to me. So far I am not finding a large Jewish presence at Massey Coal.

  13. 13
    Kievsky Says:

    On October 13, 2006 mounting debts forced Air America Radio to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

    See that? There’s not much market for the “liberal voice.” That’s why the newspapers are going out of business. They constantly do racism sob stories and pro-immigration sob stories, and scold the white people who would buy their newspapers. Also, they keep out dissenting voices and harass European-American activists at their homes and places of work. They are not objective or fair at all — they are totally partisan and a Jewish ethnic monopoly, and have been for at least 80 years. Read Henry Ford’s book, “THe International Jew” and he was writing about how the Jews owned most of the newspapers and shut out competing views way back in the 1920’s! Good riddance!

    Your multicult racket is running out of money, Chrisy. That’s all there is to it. Liberals are too stupid to understand the concept of finity or limits to growth. Liberals think money grows on trees — trees of an infinite forest. Bring in millions of immigrants and give them services, heck, bring in tens of millions, hundreds of millions! There’s no limit to liberal largesse! (with other people’s money).

    The true believe liberals like you Chrisy, are basically mental children.

    “Mommy, let’s just bring the poor people here from Africa and they can live next door and we can share our food with them.”

  14. 14
    chrisy58 Says:

    I found this story by ABC on Don Blankenship.

    Coal Boss: If You Take Photos, ‘You’re Liable to Get Shot’

    Don Blankenship Grabbed an ABC News Reporter’s Camera During the Incident

    Sounds like a nice guy. lol So far I haven’t found out what his religion is. I just think you White Nationalist are fixated on blaming the JEWS for all the evil in the world. They are the scapegoat that is used and they are many times not even guilty of the crimes you guys accuse them of.

    Life is more complex. The reality is that there are evil people in all races. There are evil White people who because of their greed subvert justice and are trying to subvert our system of government. They are very rich and powerful corporations who have the money to corrup the officals in government who are supposed to be watching out for us the American people.

    My research so far isn’t finding what you say is happening Fred of Jewish control.

  15. 15
    chrisy58 Says:

    For those people who want to hear a different voice than the hate of White Nationalist and Right wing media. Air America is spreading its voice on the airways as I am listening right now, lol.

    wikipedia as a source come on!!!! You white Nationalists like to use wikipedia that has more lies and no one takes it seriously as a source but you guys.

    Since Air America is still on the air and I am listening to it right now, I guess that is just another lie to deceive people that they have no choices but to listen to Right Wing Talk radio and White Nationalist media.

    I have read the book by Henry Ford. I have read a lot of White Nationalists books.

    I don’t think money grows on trees. I am one of those who believe that America is self destructing. Not because of the different races as you White Nationalists belief, but because we are being selfish and not thinking about the future we are leaving the next couple of generations who will be stuck paying for all the money that we are borrowing because we want to live above our means. I am very unhappy that we continue to spend, spend, spend and borrow, borrow, borrow and continue to grow weaker while those countries like China get stronger and stronger and stronger because they are the ones who we are indebted to.

    I am a Catholic and I believe in the Social gospel of Jesus Christ. I think we have to feed the poor, help the sick, and show love and compassion for all people in the world. Jesus didn’t preach hate of others and thinking one is better because they happen to be born white. To hate Jewish people who were also made in God’s image is morally wrong to those of us who do believe and try to follow the true message of Christ.

    I know you don’t understand because your heart has become so hard that the Holy Spirit could never touch your heart to show love and compassion on the hurting in the world. I actually feel sorry for you because some day you White Nationalists are in for a rude awakening.

  16. 16
    Aslan Maskhadov Says:

    Newspapers are going out of business because they are being bought up by large monopolies, not because of the stories they produce. In fact, as media becomes more consolidated, there is a clear right-wing, not left-wing bias being promoted.

  17. 17
    Kievsky Says:


    It’s the jewish agenda we hate. So should any good Catholic. The jewish agenda creates much evil in the world. It doesn’t mean one has to hate jews for being jews. Plenty of non-jews carry out the jewish agenda as well. But it’s right there in front of our faces – the Iraq war, massive illegal immigration, the financial crisis, and you know exactly what I’m talking about.

  18. 18
    chrisy58 Says:


    Are you saying I am a terrible Catholic because I do not agree with your White Nationalist views? I read the teachings of Christ and I listen to what the priest says in mass and it is very clear that I am following the teachings of Jesus and the Catholic church by standing up and fighting your White Nationalist message. Your message is the message of the Anti-Christ with your hate. One can’t be a good Catholic and a White Nationalist at the same time.

    It wasn’t the Jews who killed Christ it was our sins. Jesus came into the world to pay the price for our sins. The Jews were a tool used to bring that about, but if Christ hadn’t died on the cross our sins wouldn’t have been paid for by his blood. Jesus knew he had to die for our sins and did so with a loving heart. He loves us.

    Another thing I opposed the Iraq War. Is their Jews in government. Yes, we have Jewish people who hold offices of power in this government. Yes Joe Libberman a Jewish man supported the war, but so did non Jewish men and women in government.

    The economic crisis is because we are spending more money than we have. We are having to borrow lots of money from countries like China who while we are growing weaker and weaker because the one who is in debt becomes an indentured servent to the one who hold the purse strings; china is growing stronger and stronger because they are the ones who hold the power of the purse over our heads. It wasn’t just Jews who caused this to happen, it was greed. Instead of realizing the party is over and we need to face the hangover and start cutting back and paying off the debts, we are spending and spending and spending our way into ruin.

    Part of the blame goes to the President and part of the blame goes to Congress and part of the blame goes to the American people for not making our voices heard in telling those people in power to STOP being SELFISH and to START THINKING ABOUT THEIR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN.

    The Federal Reserve Board is a large part of the problem. They don’t have to give an accounting to anyone. IT is like they have absolute power and anyone who has absolute power becomes corrupted.

    The Catholic Church that you accuse me of betraying the principles of because I don’t believe as you do, tries to reach out and help those people who have come to this country. Many of these people are fellow Catholics. They have reasons for coming here. They want to escape the violence that is in their home country. If you lived in a place that was violent and unsafe for your children to live would you stay or would you flee to find a place of safety for you and your family. Many times they are victims as well.

    I am not saying we shouldn’t have borders. I am saying though that these are human beings and we should treat them with compassion and love. Many on your side of the political spectrum want to put families in prision and treat them as criminals.

    I just read in the Bible last night about how Jesus wants us to treat the stranger in our land,(which is what the Mexican who comes across this country to flee the drug war is) with love and compassion. I am actually being a better Catholic by following the social gospels of Jesus in feeding the poor, helping the sick, and being kind to the stranger in my land.

    You talk about the Jewish Agenda. There is no Jewish agenda. That is just a bogie man that you White Nationalists have made up to place all the blame of the complex problems in the world. Instead of trying to look at the complex problems and trying to sort out what is causing them and what we can do to correct them; it is easier for you to scapegoat the Jews and blame the Jews and make them the target. You can say to yourselves that if we destroy the Jewish threat than all the complexity in life will be gone and life will be heaven on earth. Sorry life doesn’t work that way.

    The evil in the world isn’t caused by the Jewish people. I know you White Nationalists like to say that the reason that the Jews have been the target of HATE all these years is because they are evil and people and nations have stood up to their evil agenda. Wrong, The Jews are still God’s people. When they sin against God, God uses gentile nations to punish them so that they will return to HIM.

    The evil in the world is caused by satan. Yes, as a Catholic I believe in satan. You know the battle between good and evil. We have a choice on who we will follow in this world. Do I think satan is a man wearing a red suit with red horns? NO, but I think when we allow greed to come into our hearts like many of the large corporations that only care about how many goods they can acquire at the cost of making everyone else around them sick and their quality of life very poor than that is allowing evil to control you. When you decide that it is acceptable to blow up and destroy whole mountain ranges with mountaintop removal mining that you have allowed evil to enter your heart. When you blame a whole group of people for all the evil in the world and round them up and put them in concentration camps as Hitler and the Third Reich did than you allowed evil to enter your heart. I think you can get the idea of what I am talking about.

    We also have the choice to do good in the world. We can stand up and tell the truth even if it means people might reject our message. We can decide to work for renewable energy sources and try to get people to understand the truth about climate change even though people might laugh at us. We can stand up to people who would blame a whole group of people and want to single them out as being the cause of all the evil in the world. We can be kind to the stranger in the land and try to help them. Again I think you get the idea of how one can make a difference for good in the world.

    I choose to try and do good in the world and not be a part of those who choose to do evil. Some people don’t know they are doing evil because they can’t see their true condition. Their pride has blinded them and they can’t see the true condition of their heart or their mind.

    I know I may not be explaining this very well. Sometimes I don’t always explain very well what I am feeling inside.

  19. 19
    chrisy58 Says:


    You speak the truth about the real reasons that newspapers are hurting. I do believe though that there will be a way to bring to the people a Liberal voice so that people are not forced to only listen to the White Nationalist and Right Wing message. Even if it is just a citizens media that is able to put out a newspaper once a week in a local area, I would like to think that our Liberal voice will not be totally silent in this country.


  20. 20
    EireannGoddess Says:

    //I think you give the Jewish people more power than what they have. I think you are making a scapegoat out of them, because it is easier to have one monster to blame and fight against than to really look at the complex issues surrounding us.

    I will look into who actually sits on the board of those companies.// Comment by “Chrisy”

    The only complex issue, Chrisy, is to ask one’s self WHY jews are cumulative culprits, or, as the jews have even admitted themselves, with pride, that they are not only world movers and shakers, but also self-described “Nation Destroyers”.

    In addition to looking up the names on that corporate list of yours [which will be a mix, including both jews, a few other non-whites due to anti-discrimination laws, and jew friendly, jew dependent White Folk who think as you seem to] may I also suggest that you make a study of the jews: not as “intrepreted” by WN, but as they see themselves. Study the jew.

    There’s lots to study too, for the jews, more than any other race, love nothing better than to stare at their own navel, so to speak, endlessly dissecting, with an enduring and wondrous self-awe over the mystery that is the jew.

    Then, they sit down and write about their personal and collective epiphanies that this egoistic dysfunction has brought to them.

    And, then, because they are jews and special, they will insist to pass along these revelations to the Goyim: not to share, but to demand that the Goyim not only accept every discovery as sacred, but to also adopt whatever notion or plan attendent to their opinion/thought and implement it, absorb it, making both the jew and it’s thinking the de rigeur norm for White Societies.

    Why? Because, as they have said themselves: We are the ‘Chosen’, and a “Light Unto the World” which they claim their desert god assured is true. When, if you really study the jew, it is what they have told themselves – after having created a desert god-myth that suited their particular ego and need.

    The thing is, the jews need to be hated. That’s what they live for. It is the root of their banal need to suicide themselves, whilst being too cowardly to do so.

    jews are much more comfortable with being victims, so long as they have that ever important “remnant” jew left behind to tell the tale of the fated dead. Because they are psychopathically suicidal, as well as too cowardly to commit suicide, jews have created a ‘pre-destined’ anti-semitism for themselves.

    By acting out against the world, particularly the White Race whom they envy beyond any greed we Whites could possible imagine, with ever increasing outrageous acts chaotic misdeeds and criminality, jews eventually get their wish – though, not really, not yet.

    For, White Folk do not understand such a psychopathy, and they give the jew every chance to survive – to the detriment of their Societies, families, themselves. Until, finally, with their very survival at stake the White Nations must drive the jews from their lands.

    This act, the jews consider as “death”, and though not dead – the jew is consigned, by it’s own suicidal self-fulling prophecy and magical thinking, ie., irrational paranoia into belief that it has been “holocausted”.

    For the jew considers shunning, being ignored and driven away as holocaust. In the end, the never satisfied, ever violent and self-destructive jew lives in a state of constant rage at not having it’s most primitive [and convoluted] need met.

    You see, the jews know what most Whites do not want to know or admit when it comes to jews: That the jews as a Race ARE guilty of everything they have been accused of.

  21. 21
    Aslan Maskhadov Says:

    Eireann “goddess”(you most likely have never been to Eire, nor resemble a goddess), did you ever look at your rant after the fact and ask yourself, how do I know what Jews, as a group, believe or think? Don’t you think that’s a bit odd? Doesn’t it sound like you’re just making it up as you go along?

    The Jewish conspiracy, is nothing but a fairy tale for white nationalists to explain why the behavior of their beloved “whites” doesn’t add up within their biological determinist worldview.

  22. 22
    chrisy58 Says:


    Thank you for your comments. You bring out some good points that I hope people reading this blog will consider.

    You are right the Jewish conspiracy that White Nationalists always talk about is nothing more than a work of fiction. It has no basis in reality.

    White Nationalists like EG will continue to believe the lie and are even willing to die to defend that lie against any of us Aslan who have the courage to stand up and speak the truth. Like the King who has no clothes White Nationalsits can’t admit to themselves that they are being deceived into thinking a lie is the truth. We are like the little child who has the courage to expose the lie and tell them the truth. Of course they are going to fight us, because they would rather live in their la la land than have to join us in the real world.

    EG is a woman who admires Hitler and the Third Reich. I have read her many posts on VNN. She most likely will never be able to admit the truth that White Nationalism is one big LIE.


  23. 23
    Anonymous Says:

    chrissy… you catholics are so dumb. you mary-worshipping jesus eaters need to lay off! the rcc is a judaic cult. yer responsible for the inquisition, crusades and supported hitler! and you know nothing of our lord. you liberals think he’s god!! LOL

    You White Nationalists think you are so smart and like to call women “stupid”, but who is the dumb one as I am not a LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE. I know to you WN anyone who isn’t a White Nationalists is a LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE and the enemy of the White race. You can’t understand that their are Whites who are proud of their ethnic groups and want to perserve their heritage but who reject White Nationalism because of your HATE OF JEWS, CATHOLICS, AND NON WHITES. Yes, I reject you White Nationalists and your message of HATE. YES, I SAID THE WORD HATE; YET YOU STUPID WHITE NATIONALISTS DON’T UNDERSTAND THAT I ALSO REJECT PROGRESSIVES AND THEIR MESSAGE OF HATE. BOTH HATE, AND I REJECT BOTH OF YOU, SO KEEP CALLING ME A LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE AND THE WORLD WILL KNOW THAT YOU WHITE NATIONALISTS ARE BRAINDEAD ZOMBIES.

    Yes, I am a Catholic and I am very happy with my Catholic faith. I love Jesus and Mother mary. I am a traditonal Catholic and not a Catholic who believes in the libertion theology/collective salvation that our Pope has warned Catholics about as false doctrine. The Bible is the word of God though not in the same way as Protestants think, but it is still the word of God. Most White Nationalists I have ever met either hijack the Christian faith to Christan Idenitity or they reject God altogether or they embrace the pagan Gods.

    You white Nationalists are never going to achieve your goals. Your dream will never become reality. Those of you who support radical Muslims because of your common HATE for Israel, Jews, and Catholics are stupid iiots if you think that you can beat the Muslims who are taking over the world. We all will be living under Muslim Law. Look at what is happening in the UK and Europe and you fools cheer on the President of Iran because you share his hate for Jews and Israel. They also hate and attack Catholics. You should read about the terrible things that are happening to Catholics around the world by Muslims who in the name of their God kill those who are a different religion then Muslim.

    I am not going to continue fighting you guys and am not going to your sites anymore. It is always the same ole hate and stupidity. I don’t want to waste my time with HATE so I am staying away from both White Nationalist sites and Progressive sites. I am moving forward to a new chapter in my life.


  24. 24
    chrisy58 Says:

    You said that Catholics supported Hitler. That is a lie. Catholics died in concentration camps for standing up for their Catholic faith and helping Jews. Hitler hated the Catholic church and many Catholic churches were closed because they didn’t support Hitler and the nazi beliefs.

    Catholic Priests and Nuns who stood up and tried to help the Jews or who told their people to reject Hitler were killed. Some gave up their lives to protect others.

    Yes, I know you White Nationalists like to say that Catholics helped Hitler to justify your love of the third reich, but that is a lie and a distortion of the truth.

    Like Progressives you White Nationalists only know how to lie. What is the difference between the two of you? YOU BOTH TWIST HISTORY TO FIT YOUR NARROW VIEW POINT. YOU BOTH LIE ABOUT THOSE WHO DISAGREE WITH YOU AND YOU BOTH MOCK AND MAKE FUN OF THOSE CHILDREN WHO ARE BORN WITH DISABILITIES. I am just about to post a link to a story on the Blaze about Progressives making evil comments about a child with down syndrome because the child’s last name is Palin. If the child with disabilites is a child of Republican parents Liberal/Progressives feel free to say the most discusting thing. White Nationalists I have heard some of you say that children with this disability and other disabilties should be killed or aborted. You and Progressives have no problem with killing those why you deem as useless eaters. I condemn both sides.

    At least we Catholics have love for the disabled and would never tell a parent to kill their child because it wasn’t born perfect. Who is really pro life, pro family, and shows love to all people? It is Catholics who follow the teachings of our church and who fight abortion, and other programs that seek to kill the unborn and the old and sick. Both you Progressives and White Nationalists HATE. OH, I used the word HATE AGAIN TO DECRIBE BOTH YOU PROGRESSIVES AND WHITE NATIONALISTS. IF YOU WANT TO BE LIKE THE WN ON SF YOU CAN COUNT THE WORD HATE I USED IN MY POST AND SAY I ONLY SAID IT ABOUT WHITE NATIONALISTS AND CONTINUE TO CALL ME A LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE WHEN I APPLY THE WORD HATE TO THEM AS WELL.

    I choose love and I don’t have to expose you White Nationalists anymore. There is enough info on my blog for the world to see just have much hate you have in your hearts for those who are different.

    The truth has no agenda, but you WN/Progressives the truth is only what fits your agenda and you discard the rest. you allow your hate of others who are different then you to blind you to the real threat and you are fools to think that radical islam is your friend or someone you can work with to seek your common goal of the destruction of Israel, Jews, and Catholics. The enemy of your enemy is not your friend. It is a lie that both Progressives and WN are falling for. Radical Islam is still your enemy because they want to destroy the WEST and bring the world under Islamic Law.

    We are in Holy Week and tomorrow is Holy Thurday, and then Good Friday on Easter. Don’t know how much I will be online Thursday through Sunday.

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