SF Post/Bye

I found this on SF.  I remember when she posted that thread to sign the petition and seeing all the nasty comments.  I remember when I posted petitions to save the polar bears and the angry comments I got.  One thing to remember is that White Nationalism is not a group of people who is going to fight against Climate Change or for environmental issues.  They have one issue and that is fighting for their White Homeland.  They only care about White people and securing a White Nation.  As I was told, once they have their White Nation than they will look at fighting for the environmental issues that I cared about. 

I remember telling them the same things that you told them in that we must fight for the future of the planet if we want White children to have a future, but back then I felt like I was hitting a stone wall.  I can actually laugh about it now, but at the time, I was angry that White Nationalists just didn’t seem to care about the issues of climate change and the environment.

Maybe your eyes are starting to open and you are starting to see the truth about what White Nationalism really is.  I hope so.  There is a life out there and there are people who would support and encourage you to fight for the environment.  They wouldn’t laugh at you or make jokes.  One thing I have noticed is that people after about five years or so start to wake up and see the truth about White Nationalism.  Though you do seem to still believe in the lies of 14 words and wanting a White Homeland.  You just understand that Climate Change effects all of us and that includes you White Nationalists.

You may never see this, but I wish you luck and I hope you will leave White Nationalism for good and make a real life for yourself.  I would hope that everyone would wake up to the truth and leave White Nationalism behind them and actually join the fight against the spread of that message. 

Old Yesterday, 10:44 PM   #1
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Default Bye

I don’t know why I’m even bothering to write this; maybe I just feel that after 1000+ posts and four years, I thought I’d receive a little better from this forum.

Anyways, I’m taking a long, extended break from SF, not necessarily because I want to, but because I think things have changed around here and not for the better.

Recently I posted a thread about signing a seal hunt ban. I didn’t post it to argue. I wasn’t trying to start a six page thread over it, dragging every anti-environmentalist out of the woodwork over it. It was meant for those in favor to sign it. If you don’t agree, don’t sign it. It didn’t even warrant any replies, but yet it spiraled into six pages of vitriol and hatred where I was accused of all kinds of b.s., namely having some sort of ulterior agenda.

I have over 1000 posts here, but these people decided not to look at a single one of them before accusing me of having an agenda. I’ve written my true feelings on this forum, and I thought there were like minded people here, but alas, it’s just one more forum, in a long line of forums that I’ve walked away from in disgust.

And you’re damn right I have an agenda. It’s called THE 14 WORDS!

“We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for white children.”

There will be NO existence or future without a functional environment. If you people think this world’s resources are infinite and without limit, you’re just as foolish as all the brown races eating through the world’s resources like locusts.

As white people, it is our DUTY and our RESPONSIBILITY to be good stewards of the environment. It is up to us to make sure that the future is going to be there and exist for our children. To make sure that there is enough clean water, breathable air, healthy food, and intact ecosystem to keep the earth viable and functional.

I will not apologize for being an environmentalist. If you people think that’s “hippy s***”, then I ask you exactly what it is you’re fighting for. All the good intentions towards our people are nothing if there is no world for us to live on. All the intonations of the 14 words are pointless if there is no world for our children to have a future on!

Yeah, so I guess I’m a crazy hippy with an “agenda” because I care about this world and what may become of it. I have a son, and everyday I ask myself what kind of world he will live in, and what can I do to make it the kind of world I want him to live in. So, yeah, I’m crazy. With a real hardcore agenda there. I’m trying to corrupt all of SF and turn you all into leftist hippies!

I think a lot of you guys are real quick to turn on each other. Say one thing that deviates from the lock step mentality, and immediately your entire character is called into question. Did anyone bother to take a look at my posting history before accusing me of having an agenda? Nope, out come the knives. And you guys expect to live together in functional communities????? You guys can’t even be civil over the damn internet. I can’t imagine the total, utter breakdown that would probably happen in real life in a matter of minutes. This is why this movement gets nowhere. Everyone wants to be king, no one wants to put his ego in check and be the guy who helps the king. Everyone wants to yell over everyone else and make sure his opinion is forcibly accepted. If you don’t agree, you’re wrong, and what’s more, you must have an “agenda”.

So whatever. It’s been real. See you cats around someday, maybe when SF trends back to the way it was a few years ago, with more of a community feel and less back biting. Meh, the internet is full of s*** anyway.


You got a lot of people saying that they hope you stay.  You even have people who agree with you about the BS that makes up White Nationalism.

 Though to be honest, I still see the same things being said by people who know the truth, but for whatever reason can’t seem to put White Nationalism behind them and totally leave.  Why, can’t some people who know the truth leave?  Is it they just don’t have the courage to leave it all behind them?  Are they fooling themselves?  Will you be one of those who knows all the crap that makes up White Nationalism, but who refuses to leave?  Only time will tell.  I hope that you will have the courage to see the truth as it really is, and leave for good.

Only you can decide what you want to do and what issues you want to fight for.  Only you can decide and make the choice to leave once and for all.  Only you can know if you have the strength inside you to leave your friends behind and totally do what you feel is right in your heart and walk away from this so called movement of White Nationalism.  I am not going to lie it was very hard leaving behind people who I loved as friends and who I held dear in my heart, knowing that from that day forward I would be their enemy.  One has to have the courage to do and stand for what they believe.  I had to be honest with myself and couldn’t pretend to be something I wasn’t anymore.

It won’t be easy to totally walk away, but if you do and are able to put White Nationalism behind you once and for all and move into the real world with people who really do care about environmental issues than you will be less frustrated in trying to get White Nationalists to fight along side you in your fight to protect the environment.  Though it does seem like White Nationalists are waking up little by little and realize that what happens on the planet effects them too. I have to ask myself is this concern for the environment just an act to appear more environmental friendly to those of us who think it is a very important issue to fight for?  I guess I learned the hard way not to trust anything that happens in the White Nationalist Movement.  A lot of things that were done were not real, but done for show, because it looked good.


  1. 1
    Carrie Ann Says:

    “I learned the hard way not to trust anything that happens in the White Nationalist Movement. A lot of things that were done were not real, but done for show, because it looked good.”

    Well said! WN is one big hypocracy, a show, a deception. Think Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde… your friends are your friends one minute and trashing you on their websites the next. There is so much backstabbing. They call each other brother and sister and then betray you. The “brothers” stand guard and watch each other take away the “sisters” dignity by violating them in the worst way you can violate a woman. They disgust me!

  2. 2
    chrisy58 Says:

    You are right about the drama, drama, drama. It had more drama than As the world turns. Many times I thought I was watching the WN version called ” as the white nationalist words turns.

    I will never forget how when women went for help to the other men because she was tired of being abused and told that it was our fault and we were in sin because we had not submitted and that rebellion was the sin of witchcraft and being called a witch and being told that we burn witches. I couldn’t submit and let Jeff baptize me, as I am baptized a Catholic. When my friend Anne went for help she was told that if she would obey and submit that he would have no reason to punish her and when she ended up in the hospital and left him and reconnected with an old boyfriend from high school and married him how they wagged their tongues and talked about how sinful she was because she divoreced the man who beat her.

    This was how Jeff’s church saw things.


    God told man what to do and man told woman. I was always being accused of rebellion and trying to ursurp my place as a woman. Jeff used to say a woman can’t do anything without man supervision.

    This was how I saw things
    man/woman together working as one team to achieve our goals.

    My Catholic foundation that Father Enzie and all the other priests and nuns I knew instilled in me was to strong for me to be decieved by CI/White Nationalism.

    Not all men are like that though. Saturnia met a nice guy who she married through the movement, but they both have left it and are very happy.

  3. 3
    Carrie Ann Says:

    LOL As the Sw–t-ka Turns! That sounds a lot like Warren Jeffs & FLDS, or Afghanistan. You should not have been treated that way!! I haven’t known you long but you are such a valuable person & Jeff should be ashamed of himself! This is America, if people WANT to live that way, then fine. But, they should also be able to leave, not live in fear, not be treated like an animal. In fairness, I will admit that in the NS world, women could go to other men and get help (my husband helped me with the man who assaulted me). All were not evil hearted, but were definitely confused, depressed, & misled and some acted out in violence while others directed their anger toward organizing events/taking a political approach. There are a lot of anti-Christians and Satanists though, and they tended to be the hostile ones.

    I recently read Elissa Wall’s book called Stolen Innocence about being a child bride in the FLDS. (I guess Carolyn Jessop left too yay!) Did your group do anything like promise children to one another in arranged marriages? I’m wondering if there were generations of daughters going through this and what would happen if the daughters left? Elissa was forced to marry her first cousin at the age of 14 and was taken over state lines to do it. Also, Warren Jeffs could take wives and children away from the men if he wanted. A disturbing trend in the WN/NS world I have noticed lately is acceptance of & desire to practice polygamy (that way, they can breed as much as they want and the women can help each other). I could see NS people adopting that way of life.

    Like Saturnia, I ended up marrying a nice man in the movement – not CI & no kids. I am out 100% & have been for 3 yrs. He has been in the movement for many years but is a good man at the core. He has to leave at his own pace but I am a good influence on him. Granted, I can’t change him – I’ve accepted that! He has to do it himself. But, he is moving in the right direction and has been talking about leaving quite a bit. It is hard for him bc all of his friends are WN and he is going to have to rethink his ideals that he has held for a long time.

    I was raised Catholic too. I think having that background and coming from a good family really helped me. My parents wondered what they did wrong when they found out their daughter was NS but I think they now know that it wasn’t their fault. I’m a bit more on the Conservative side but believe in being kind. I am really trying to not hate those who have or want to harm me. I also need to forgive myself. Btw, I also love animals (I have lots of pets that I consider to be people lol) and believe that we need to take care of the Earth 🙂

  4. 4
    chrisy58 Says:

    Carrie Ann,

    Yes, Jeff believed in the father being the one who will decide who the daughter will marry. She will have no choice. From the day girls are born they are conditioned to accept their fate in life as women.

    I read the book too. Yes, in many ways Jeff’s church is like the FLDS. I can relate to their stories because that was the life we led ad CI/WN. Many White Nationalist men agree with the FLDS and would love to have more than one wife so they can breed as many children as the FLDS does. We as women were not allowed to wear pants. We wore dresses even when camping. We could not cut our hair as our long hair was our covering.

    You are right we can’t change anyone. Change has to come from within. As long as you are a good example and he sees how happy and great life is now, he will want that too. I know a lot of people from the time they woke up from the nightmare until they were able to leave completely spent confused and going back and forth. You don’t want to loose your friends who you love, but yet, you know that White Nationalism is one big LIE and must be stopped from spreading their cancer of hate.

    The most important thing is that we took the first step to get out and as time goes by I am so happy I did take the first step and am fighting them as I truly believe in my heart that White Nationalism is a threat to this country the same way Black Nationalism or Mexican Nationalism is a threat to the unity of this country.

    Today is my mom’s birthday I have something baking in the oven so I need to go, I am so glad you are posting here. This is a good way to heal talking about this without being harshly judged because they don’t understand.

    you have a great day.


  5. 5
    girl123 Says:

    Chrisy i have some questions for you. i am in a commenter in stormfront and i am having some serious doubts. i would like to ask my questions someplace else so no one from stormfront sees them. help?

  6. 6
    chrisy58 Says:


    I want you to know you are welcome here and feel free to ask any questions you want to ask. Feel free to post your thoughts on the articles and comments of others. I want this blog to be a safe place.

    This is my email address chrisy1958@q.com

    Feel free to email any questions you have if you feel that it is more private. I would think that is the best plan because I know people from SF read this thread. I would hate for you to ask your question publically than it being used against you. This way, by emailing me your questions, you will be safe.

    Other questions and thoughts that doesn’t matter if anyone from SF see them, please feel free to ask and comment here on my blog. We are just normal people try to sort everything out and hopefully be able to help us in making better choices in the future.

    I look forward to getting to know you. Do you have facebook I also have facebook if you want to ask your questions there.

    I wish you the best of luck.


  7. 7
    Garfield Says:

    Girl 123,

    If you have doubts about what you believe then you not the true believer you assume yourself to be. You should rather go join the ADL or any other multicultural group to see exactly what it is to be a confused white person. There is a simple question you need as yourself: ” If you love something are you willing to hate that what threatens it?”

    If your answer is no, you should leave SF and join your local church group.
    If your answer is yes, (which seems doubtful) you must decide on that which threatens you and work to destroy it.

    “In the final analysis, a race or specie is not judged superior or inferior by its accomplishments, but by
    its will and ability to survive.” David Lane

  8. 8
    chrisy58 Says:


    I know a lot of White Nationalists admire David Lane and quote him, but as someone who was the target of dirty old men from the time I was 11, he makes me sick to my stomach. He was a dirty old man who had sexual thoughts about little girls. He lusted after little girls and this sexual pervert is the hero to White Nationalists.

    You think the problem is religion and I think the problem is that sexual perverts within your White Nationalist cause are considered heroes and worshiped almost like gods. No matter what they do they are supported and admired.

    It was my Catholic faith Garfield that kept me strong, brave, and still hoping that my knight in shining armor will still rescue me. It is not giving up, but trying again and again if needed. My faith is what keeps me continuing fighting and not giving up and submitting. My faith is what gives me the courage to fight for the moral imperatives in life.

    One of the problems I see today is that some people don’t have enough faith or even have faith in an higher power. Everything goes in today’s world, because people are afraid to tell the truth. The truth is that there are White Nationalist men in your leadership and ranks who are perverted and lust after 11 or 12 year old girls and have sexual thoughts toward them. It is a sin for a man in his 40’s/50’s to take pictures of little girls and paste them on child porn and then get off dreaming that he is having sex with little girls. That same leader was stocking another 11 year old girl and buying her gifts. I think that it is important for all people of faith to speak out and expose the evil in this world and try and shine the light of truth so that the next generation of little girls won’t have to know the horror of being raped and forced to have sex against her will when she wanted to wait until marriage.

    “You should rather go join the ADL or any other multicultural group to see exactly what it is to be a confused white person. There is a simple question you need as yourself: ” If you love something are you willing to hate that what threatens it?” (Garfield said)

    Your question was address to girl123. Just because someone doesn’t agree with the White Nationalist viewpoint, doesn’t mean they are a confused White person. There are confused White people in White Nationalism as well. There are alot of confused people in the world in general because of the times we are living in. Let’s at least be real.

    I am not confused, but for first time in many years am not confused. My mind is getting cleared out of all the brainwashing that happen to me during the years I was involved in CI/White Nationalism.

    To answer your question. If I loved someone I would fight to protect them. I would only use violence if that person threaten the person I loved. I would be willing to die to protect someone I loved. It doesn’t mean I hate the person who threatens us, but that I am willing to fight and die for the one I love to protect them from all harm.

    Why is it you White Nationalists can’t understand me? Love is from God and hate from the evil one. Hate destroys a man but love builds up a man. If you love someone you will do all you can to keep that person safe. To hate someone only hurts you and one day you wake up and you no longer have a heart because the hate you have killed the heart.

    If someone you love is threaten by a tiger would you hate the tiger? Or would you protect your loved one by killing the tiger before it killed the person you love. You don’t hate the tiger but you still have to kill the tiger before he killed your loved on. There is never any valid reason to HATE.

  9. 9
    Garfield Says:

    The RC has its own perverts too Chrisy, they send them to new parishes and hide their dirty laundry too. I suppose its easier to criticize other groups while ignoring ones own. But yes whether he was or wasn’t one doesn’t remove the value of his words, much like priests who offer sermons but have skeletons in the closet too. We could argue this point till the cows come home.

    If you troll SF then you are either confused or a troll that simple, why the need to ask questions in private? Cos her name will be banned? How ridiculous.

    As to hate, yes once again it is that hate that fuels the passion of our cause. Religion was made man weak and offer compassion to those who don’t even deserve to draw breathe.

    Yes I HATE that what threatens my race and culture.

  10. 10
    chrisy58 Says:

    ” As to hate, yes once again it is that hate that fuels the passion of our cause. Religion was made man weak and offer compassion to those who don’t even deserve to draw breathe.

    Yes I HATE that what threatens my race and culture.” (garfield said)

    Do you hear yourself or see for yourself that your words are hate. Like many White Nationalists compassion has no place in your hearts. Who are you Garfield or any White Nationalist to judge who deserves to live and who deserves to die? Who made you god?

    Yes, the Catholic church has had their share of perverts too. Yet, priests that are found guilty are being kicked out of the church. We had a priest in Phoenix who was expelled for having sex with a teen girl. Yes, in the past there was cover up, but I don’t think they are covering it up anymore.

    Unlike White Nationalists who still consider their sexual perverts heroes and honor them, Catholics do not listen to the words of disgraced priests but shun them.

    I am sure girl123 has her reasons of not wanting to let SF know who she is. I remember a time when you said you don’t want people at SF to know who you were here on this blog. Maybe she has questions and she doesn’t want to share those questions with SF until she has made up her mind on what to do.

    There was a period of time when people know that White Nationalism isn’t the answer but still haven’t admitted to themselves that a lot of what they think they believe is a lie.

  11. 11
    Garfield Says:

    There will come a time when we will have to decide who is worthy of life and who is worthy of death, hard choices need to be made I have the resolve to make them. You are right I didn’t want my SF name here, why? Well some may not agree that talking to you is productive if you want my SF name I’ll post it for you, do you want it?

    Who made me god? Why that would be me, I am the I am. I choose my own destiny without fear or favour, I have walked my path alone and will continue to do so. Everything in life has been by the sweat of my own brow, that what I believe is due to my own understanding of that which is right and wrong, I will not bow down to a collective moral jew mentality that wants me to act and think as a lamb goes to the slaughter. My life will be a reflection of that what I believe in, if I am wrong then at least I am sincere in my error, I cannot blame a god or a prophet for my downfall. It will be a life of my making and my breaking. I honestly believe in the 14 words, why should I think differently to please a few fundamentalists who lack personal charisma or drive to be that what our race demands of us, to be exemplary to the cause, morally just and racially pure.

    Yes I hate that what threatens my beliefs, if you recall the inquisition took the same attitude and swept across the globe, their defeat came in the name of pride, apostasy and reverential greed We will not make the same mistake.

  12. 12
    chrisy58 Says:


    You don’t have to give me your SF name. I was trying to make a point that girl123 had a right to keep her SF name secret too. Yes, I am sure some of your WN buddies would think you are wasting your time talking to me, but that is their loss. We are two normal people just trying to make sense out of everything. We hold different political views but that is what makes life interesting.

    Yes, I can see some truth in the statement of we choose our own distiny. God gives us the choice to either accept him or reject him. He doesn’t force us to do anything against our will. That is where free will comes into play. Yet, I do believe in fate. Some of us will have a distiny for good, some for a distiny of bad, and others have a distiny of being killed in battle.

    Garfield, I think both sides are learning from their mistakes. At least I hope Progressives are willing to learn. I think it is one big mistake that some Progressives are making in thinking you White Nationalists are jokes and make fun of and laugh at.

  13. 13
    Garfield Says:

    I’m sure you will enjoy this SF thread.


    I posted so you can spot me.

  14. 14
    chrisy58 Says:

    I read the thread you wanted me to read, though I didn’t enjoy it, lol.

    I knew who you were before you posted, but didn’t say anything, lol.

    Hope you are having a nice weekend.

    How is the world cup going?

  15. 15
    Garfield Says:

    The world cup, Oh dear I do hope there is no violence. Otherwise I don’t actually care much for soccer or football whatever they call it.

    My plans are drawn though should the muck hit the fan. My youngest is in hospital with pneumonia, boy a close call. His mouth and fingers were blue by the time we arrived at hospital, he’s in till wednesday so I may post a little slower than usual. Perhaps a thoughtful prayer would be a kind gesture?

    I’m glad you know my SF name, I actually think I post here more than there and if not these posts are truly heart felt and real.


  16. 16
    chrisy58 Says:

    “My plans are drawn though should the muck hit the fan. My youngest is in hospital with pneumonia, boy a close call. His mouth and fingers were blue by the time we arrived at hospital, he’s in till wednesday so I may post a little slower than usual. Perhaps a thoughtful prayer would be a kind gesture?

    I’m glad you know my SF name, I actually think I post here more than there and if not these posts are truly heart felt and real.” (Garfield said)

    Of course Garfield I will say a prayer for your son. I am so sorry he has pneumonia. It must be really scary to see your child turn blue and to feel helpless to do anything to help him. I am glad he is going to be alright and I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. Let me know how he is doing. Family comes first.

    Yes, we have come to the place where we are really talking to each other and we can be real and not have to worry about what we are saying. On some of the bigger forums, it is almost like a war zone sometimes where people pull apart everything you write and try to find fault. Because this blog is so small we can be real with each other without the other person making us feel guilty because we don’t see eye to eye on every point. I may not be explaining this very well, but I have come to enjoy our discussions. I am glad we came to the place where we are at now, where we talk to each other and not at each other.

    I hope all will be quiet and no violence. In Europe your football is our soccer. I am not very good at sports and was the last one picked for teams in school. I did play soccer with my good friend Nanette. I got the most improved player because I had improved so much. I really worked hard to master soccer. I am glad Nanette and I played together on the same team. I loved riding horses best of all. I would love to get another horse someday. My Tia was a beautiful Arab horse. So graceful and beautiful. She was all heart. Do you ride?

    Best Wishes

  17. 17
    chrisy58 Says:


    I just wanted to let you know I prayed a rosary for your son. Will continue to pray.


  18. 18
    Garfield Says:

    He’s a little better today, off the oxygen and drugs, now for three days bed rest in the hospital and hopefully all will be well.

    Thanx for thoughts,


  19. 19
    chrisy58 Says:

    Thank you for letting me know. I will keep him in my prayers and pray another rosary for him tonight.


  20. 20
    Garfield Says:

    He is much better and hopefully will be home tomorrow.

    Kind regards,


  21. 21
    Carrie Ann Says:

    girl123, you need to do what is best for yourself. Ignore what the movement people say. They will use the same old lines on you. They’ll call you a race traitor, jew, etc whatever. They are small minded and will try to cause you to doubt yourself. Returning to the normal world is not easy. You have been told a lot of things that were twisted and half-true.

    Confusion/hypocracy/backstabbing are so prevalent in the movement. I know so many people whom I love and consider friends who are still there. Most WNs I know are really good people at heart and think they are doing the right thing. There are also some rather horrible people there as well. I know them too. I’m not sure what your leanings are ie skinhead, WN, NS, etc but I recommend that if you are confused, take a step back. It is much better to be honest with yourself. Set aside a specific amount of time (like a week) where you will isolate yourself from the movement (don’t even look at SF or other forums!) and do some soul searching. Write down your conflicts. When you are ready, confide in someone you know outside of the movement. Read up on leaving cults. Read TJ Leyden and Frank Meeink’s books. If you are on FaceBook, there is a group called Life After Hate full of people who have faced the same battle that you are.

    Last and most important, if you are in an abusive situation, forget everything I said above for now and get to a shelter or other safe place (get all important papers, etc together first). They can help you get things like orders of protection (free) and follow up on domestic violence police reports etc as well as provide housing if you need it.

    Whatever you decide, know there are many others out there who are rooting for you, have taken the same path, and are victorious.

  22. 22
    chrisy58 Says:

    Carrie Ann,

    Thank you for your wise words.

    Hope all is going well with you.

    Best Wishes

  23. 23
    chrisy58 Says:


    I am so happy that your son is doing so well. I bet he will be happy to go home.

    Best Wishes

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